Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My First Wedding!

Last week, after getting great news that I don't need to wear glasses anymore, I went to a wedding reception of two students who met in my class. Kylee and Garrett were in my Wednesday afternoon lab. They didn't work in the same kitchen, but in neighboring kitchens. They sat as close to each other as they could for people in separate groups. It was cute to watch them. When I introduced myself to her dad at the reception, he said "oh, here's the teacher!" Then they called the photographer over for a picture. I'd love to see that someday. I didn't dare slow down the line to get a pic on my camera. Kinda wish I did, but I just didn't want to make it about me. It's about them. Here's a pic he sent me when they got engaged and a pic of their announcement.

P.S. I'll explain why I don't have to wear glasses. I only need glasses for far away. I see up close just fine. I went to Scott's office to get an eye exam and discuss my options. I was wondering about bifocals because I take my glasses on and off so much. Anyway, Scott suggested mono-vision. He could correct one eye for distance and leave one eye as-is. Jen has her vision this way. To see how I'd like it, he gave me a contact lens to wear in one eye. I LOVE IT! And...I was thinking that if I don't want to have surgery, I can just buy contact lenses for the one eye. This way, my brain uses my far eye to see far away and my near eye to see close up. What a miracle. So, as I type, I'm glasses free, which I normally would be for typing. But, the best part is that I won't have to take glasses on and off as I lecture, work in the lab, etc. I'm elated! I can always get the surgery if I want to make it permanent, but I'm not sure about the cost-efficiency of that.

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