Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cell Phones in Church

This is from my mom, Ann Hunter:

This morning I got into a conversation about the pros and cons of modern technology with the man who came to fix our fireplace.  He related a recent experience he had which I think is worth thinking about, so I am writing it in this journal.
He and his wife went to a missionary homecoming in a different ward from their own, a few weeks ago and sat in the back of the chapel.  He noticed that all around him were people on their cell phones, texting, surfing the ‘net’, playing games, etc.  It ‘killed’ the Spirit for him. He wondered how on earth people could even consider doing such a thing during Sacrament Meeting.  He said, “I know I could have gone on the Internet and found a job to bid on.  But there was no way I would consider such a thing.  I served in the military in the 1970’s.  There were 500 people in my company and only two of us went to church.  Me, and a Southern Baptist.  We became good friends.  The last time I visited him, he invited my wife and I to go to church with him, which we did.  I didn’t see anyone on a cell phone.”  It made him so sad to think that we, who claim to have the true church, and follow Christ, can’t even leave our cell phones alone for one hour for the meeting where we renew the covenants we have made with Him!  He mentioned that if he had been an investigator, he would never have gone back.   It was such a disturbing thing that he decided to tell about it when he bore his testimony in his own ward yesterday.  He said there were a lot of people who commented to him personally and in the classes following Testimony meeting.