Sunday, June 1, 2014

Four Stakes...Righteous Parents, Righteous Friends, Faith in God and Covenants

Today in Sunday School, Sister Clegg taught a lesson based on readings from Judges in the Old Testament. She shared a story by President Hinckley about a tree he had planted early in their married life. He planted a young tree and didn't think to stake it down, allowing it to grow straight, in spite of harsh winds. As a result, it grew leaning with the wind. Had he staked it, it would have grown straight. We are like that. There are four stakes that can help us grow straight.

Righteous Parents: I'm grateful for my parents and what I learned from them. They have always tried their best to raise us with good values and with commitment to our covenants. They are examples of service, work and faith.

Righteous Friends: Wow, I've had a lot of those. My first and forever friends are my sisters and later, my baby brother. They've always been an influence for good. When dad was bishop and everyone at church hated us, we had each other. Later in life came Kim Rose Cassetti. Kim has always been a good friend. She is a genuinely good person with great values and a love of God and family. She is fiercely loyal to that which is right. Then came Maureen Russell, Lin Maute and Sue Hoot in Texas. Great neighbors and friends. Now in Utah, my friends have been Maria Trump, Amy Bowden, Sandy Hewlett, Sherie Ritchie, RaDawn Mehr, Starlyn Hjorth, Annie Christensen, Ali Clarkson and many, many others. Friends definitely make life sweet and help us along the path.

Faith in God: I learned early in our married life that God sees the big picture and knows what's best for us. Things may not always work out the way we think they should, but, if we're patient, they'll work out the way they should. Keenan's career, Kamiko's mission, my job, etc. are examples of this principle.

Covenants: We make promises with the Lord and when we are obedient, He blesses us. He is always there, wanting to help and encourage us. I love that when we make mistakes, the Lord is there to succor us and give us strength to overcome and be better. I'm grateful for covenants we make at baptism and in the temple. The Gospel richly blesses my life.

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