Sunday, March 10, 2024

I'm an Award-Winning Published Author

Ok, that makes me sound pretty impressive. I'll take it. I do work hard. I'm also blessed. 

The feature article I was asked to write for BYU's School of Family Alumni Magazine, Family Connections, was finally published. I'm very honored to have been asked to write it, I'm very grateful for the help I got in writing it (especially from my colleague Danny Frost), and I'm pleased with how it turned out and the response I've gotten. I took a copy to Jim Brau and he was so excited. He and Michelle framed it for me. The kids were all excited. Students and colleagues have told me they really like it. 

In early February, UACTE had it's annual conference and I was recognized as post-secondary educator of the year. I got the award from the Family and Consumer Sciences division, then advanced to and won for the state level. It was very humbling to hear all of my former students cheer for me. I have been blessed to be able to teach some stellar students and to remain friendly with them. I feel loved and appreciated. As a state award recipient, I got to attend a dinner before, and Kamiko was my plus 1. It was really special. I love spending time with my kids and I love that he's now a CTE teacher. I met his CTE director and received my award from his high school sports medicine teacher. He brought me flowers and chocolate. He's so busy at work, that he didn't stay for the opening meeting with the awards. I wish I hadn't suggested he leave. It would have been fun to have him see me get my award. I now move on to Region V, then to national if I win Region V. Honestly, I'm just happy to have won state. I'm working on nominating some colleagues for awards next year. Nobody can win if nobody gets nominated. 

Bingham High School Prostart students made a delicious dinner for us

Flowers from Kamiko
Clock as my award

On stage for FCS division award with Troy Chilcott and Michelle Stott

State award with Becky Bailey (Kamiko's sports medicine teacher), 2 reps from ACTE, and Natalie Hancock

I also presented at the conference with the help of my students. We taught homemade pasta, using pasta guitars. Why do I do this to myself? It's so much work to prep for 2 cooking classes. Lots of measuring ahead of time, lots of things to cart into and out of the school, and lots of work to coach people in the skill. Thank goodness for students who helped me. I really couldn't do it alone. 

Former and current students: Lucy (helped teach), Misha, Ashley, me, Danielle, Kourtney (helped teach), Emily (helped teach), and Thomas (helped teach)

Lots of FCSE friends
Back row: Misha, Katie, Bronco, Thomas, Holly, Natalie, Kourtney, 2 current FCS students who I haven't had in class yet
Front row: Lucy, Emily, 2 current FCS students I don't know yet, me, FCS student I don't know, McKell, FCS student I don't know yet

Susan McClesky and I graduated from BYU together in FCS. We spent many hours studying together. She teaches at American Fork Junior High

I met some pretty great people at the conference. I ate lunch with a man who teaches culinary arts and is visually impaired. I caught the end of his class on awareness of eating disorders in foods classes. Wow, why had I never thought of that before? So important. His colleague was with him and I enjoyed time with both of them. 

We also had a UAFCS board meeting, where we started planning this year's conference - More in 2024! It'll be in Logan in September. I vow to not present, but just attend. Same with next year's UACTE conference. It's time for me to step back a bit and help behind the scenes. 

Got this beautiful floral arrangement from Starlyn as a congratulations for my award.
The teacup and saucer is now in my office. 

Can you tell I love my time with SFLSA, the School of Family Life Student Association?
Me and some colleagues at the opening social: Andrea and Ruth Busby, Lauren Barnes, Rachel McGovern, Alex Jenson, Chelom Leavitt and her daughter introducing ourselves 

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