I've recently learned that if an activity involves a cooler, Kamiko is not interested. Haha. That sounds a bit like his mother. It's funny, you think you might have kept your kids from having certain experiences in life because you only did things you wanted to do. For example, we didn't camp much. I avoided downtown American Fork when Steel Days were going on. I hate carnivals and crowds at carnivals. If I didn't take my kids downtown, they didn't know what they were missing. I have never taken my kids 4 wheeling. If they've been, it hasn't been with me. We have only boated on Bass Lake with uncle Mike. You get the idea. I didn't raise my kids in an outdoorsy family.
A few years back, Kamiko said to me something like this: "mom, every Monday I'd get back to school and my friends would talk about what they did over the weekend. They'd talk about 4 wheeling, hiking, camping, etc. I'd think 'THAT SOUNDS HORRIBLE!'" God sends the perfect kid to the perfect family. Kamiko certainly ended up with me for a reason. I love that kid. I love all of my kids and I love that we are a perfect fit.
Note: I write this the day after attending a Relief Society activity in Livermore with my sister Kristen. The topic was Life Lessons Learned. LaMerle Sandholtz (a woman in her 90's) and her daughter Jeri spoke. It was beautiful. I realized and shared that all families are different. We try to have Christ at our core and raise our kids well, but the way we execute it will be vastly different from other families. I shared the above story that just makes me smile every time I think about it.
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