Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Some Healthy Changes

I joined a group for some metabolic coaching, which included a lot of emotional work. A lot of thinking and goal setting. It was way out of my comfort zone, but I really liked it. See my post of 4 words for 2021. Connect. Alignment. Health. Creation. This challenge really helped me see how those words fit into my life. I want to remember what I wrote in mid-February. 

Here I go...rating the 6 human needs for me at this point in my life:
  1. Connection/Love: I'm introverted, but am still very much a people person. My friends, my family, my kids, and my students mean the world to me. I'm recently divorced and (thankfully) removed from a 28-year relationship that didn't really offer much connection.
  2. Contribution: I'm a teacher by profession and at heart. I really like to help others. Even if life is crazy, I can find joy in giving and in supporting others.
  3. Certainty: I have had an aversion to uncertainty and insecurity since I was a teenager, when my dad had some significant financial/business setbacks. Covid and a divorce have helped me realize that I can pivot if needed, though.
  4. Significance: I'm pretty lucky in that I have an already intrinsic sense of self-worth. I don't need external sources to tell me I'm unique or important. I kinda tell myself that. LOL.
  5. Growth: While I know growth is important, it's kinda scary. Joining this group and committing to 3 months and using my hard-earned money was a huge step toward embracing growth for me.
  6. Uncertainty/variety: I really, really don't like uncertainty and I'm not bored with the mundane. Routine makes me happy.
Note: When I first started typing, I had certainty as #1. Then I re-read the prompt and realized that certainty had been #1 for years for me, but not anymore. I've learned that I can be flexible and change/grow when needed. So, connection became #1 for me right now in my life. Thanks for the challenge.
I'm done with the 90 day challenge. I lost 8 lbs and almost 7 inches. I gained confidence. I eat way more vegetables and drink way more water. I feel great. I also got some home strength training plans that I really like and that's saying something because I HATE lifting weights. Hahaha. I eat way fewer sweets and find that if I'm eating nutrient dense food all day with plenty of protein and fruits and veggies, I don't feel hungry and I don't crave sweets. Most important was the change inside. I see myself and I really like what I see. I have a way better relationship with food than I ever have. 

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