Monday, July 27, 2020

Back to School Blessings

I asked Kamiko if he would give me a blessing for the new school year while he was here. I also asked him to dedicate my home. On Saturday morning, we all took a minute to have him do this. Melia also asked for a blessing for the school year. I took notes and asked Mel to take notes during my blessing. I'll write some of my notes and what my feelings were. I'm very grateful that Kamiko is happy to exercise his priesthood gifts. I also realize I can pray for help and pray for my home. I just wanted to allow Kamiko to serve me in the special way that only a priesthood holder can.

When dedicating my house, Kamiko said it was a special blessing that my home would protect, edify, and strengthen those who were in/visit it. He blessed it to be a place to raise children (which I kinda thought was funny at first, then I realized I'm still raising my children. I'll always be raising my children. This weekend was so full of kid/family time that it's obvious this will be a family's home, even if my kids are adults). It will be a place to raise grandchildren and to help others who seek refuge. People will feel comfortable here and be able to express themselves. They will be able to find relationships with God and have bonds of friendship. My home was blessed to be one of order and a place where I would find refuge, comfort, and peace and be guided by Heavenly Father. He mentioned that it will be a temporary space (WHAT? that really caught me off guard. Then after the prayer, Kamiko asked me if I'm planning on moving. My response was "no." Mel laughed and said "haha, you're moving again." We all realize that temporary could mean anything. I mean, this life is temporary. But, it is interesting). Finally, I see in my notes a mention of all blessings to mom and family. I don't recall exactly what I meant by that. I guess I was so caught off guard by the temporary part that I lost my train of thought.
I do love my home. I go to bed every night just happy and safe and wake up the same way. It's a blessing for sure. I was asked by a sister in the ward who does the newsletter to write a bit about me and my family. Here's what I sent her:

"Dana felt guided to her new home on Townhouse Drive and is excited to be here. She appreciates the warm welcome she's received and looks forward to getting to know everyone. She moved here from Saratoga Springs where she had lived for only a year. Before that, she lived in American Fork for 18.5 years, where she raised her 3 kids (1 son and 2 daughters). Her son and daughter-in-law live in Rogers, Arkansas, where her son works as a data analyst and his wife is finishing her PhD in business. Dana's second child graduated from BYU in Family and Consumer Sciences Education and teaches sewing at Diamond Fork Junior High. Her youngest is a BYU student living in Provo. Dana and her daughters have had many DIY nights together, sewing one project or another. 

Dana grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and still likes to visit California as often as possible. Sadly, Covid has put a damper on her usual travel plans. She served a mission in Cochabamba, Bolivia, from 1988 -1990. She has taught cooking at BYU for 20 years and all 3 of her kids have taken her class. The thing she likes most about her job is the fantastic students with whom she gets to interact. They cook and eat together. It doesn't get better than that. She also loves that she can share spiritual thoughts in class. During Covid, she has kept busy reading cookbooks and testing recipes for an advanced cooking class that she'll be teaching in the fall. 

Why did Dana choose to buy a townhome? She doesn't like yard work and is admittedly a house plant. She likes the great indoors. She also wants the flexibility to travel when that becomes a thing again. In 2016, she crossed off the ONLY thing on her bucket list - she saw Mount Rushmore! It exceeded her expectations. In 2018, she and her oldest daughter had annual passes to Disneyland and they went there A LOT. She also had the opportunity to go with a friend to northern Italy in 2018. From Italy, they drove to Slovenia, via Austria. She highly recommends a trip to Lake Bled in Slovenia for anyone who can swing it. Go there before the whole world discovers it. When her parents served missions in Stockholm, Sweden, she took her kids there, stopping in the Netherlands on their way. Her motto is "live frugally and travel." Dana's favorite scripture is Doctrine & Covenants 112:10. 

Some favorite books include: Oil and Marble, the Maisie Dobbs series, I'm Proud of You: My Friendship with Fred Rogers, To Kill A Mockingbird, and The Kitchen Counter Cooking School."

Now on to my back to school blessing from Kamiko. Mel took these notes for me:

guided to those to help
beacon of light
sensitivity of the spirit to help
more than just a teacher
servant of God and Christ
They recognize the good you've done
Don't diminish the effect (this really touched me. He mentioned that the effect I have on families and their futures is immeasurable)
nothing is too small
love will go a long way
your impact has gone further than you know
strength to set boundaries
receive strength from others (I felt prompted to realize I'll need to ask for help sometimes and I don't need to figure out everything on my own).
not perfect - you'll need help
You'll recognize those you'll need help from
God is guiding you
Future family
strengthen hobbies and talents
serve in your ward
lift others and yourself
You're strong and are doing your best
School year will be a blessing

I'm very grateful for my fantastic kids. I'm also grateful for the gospel and for Priesthood blessings. I'm grateful for Kamiko and Bekki's trip here and for them taking time to stay here. I'm grateful that the girls came and stayed here so we could all be together. I'm blessed. 

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