Since I'm teaching remotely and I'm newly divorced and homeless and on shelter in place due to Covid-19, I decided to drive to California. I got everyone's permission, of course. I made sure Kristen and Doug were ok hosting me and that Jenny and Scott will be ok hosting me when I get back to Utah.
I also checked with Melia about her birthday, which is today. If she wanted me to stick around for her birthday, I would have, but she said it was ok. So, went went to dinner (me, Allie, and Melia) last week. I also taught my first day of zoom class for SFL 340 to make sure everything got off to a good start, then I headed to the Bay Area on Thursday, April 30. Yes, they want us to "stay home," but I don't really have a home. Mom said I needed to get away and that my sisters needed visits from me.
I actually did great on the drive. It took me 12 hours. I stopped every couple of hours to walk and go to the bathroom. Wendover, which is the first town outside of Utah, on the Nevada border, was quiet. Parking lots were blocked off. The slot machine areas of the gas stations were blocked off too. It was eery.
Before I left, mom was asking how I would do on the drive by myself. I told her I better figure out a way to do it because I'm alone now. The only glitch was when just outside of Carlin, Nevada, I started to feel sick. I mean really sick. I rested a bit then got on the road. Oh boy. I felt more sick. I had to maneuver around two semis to get to the side of the freeway. I pulled over and opened the door just in time to throw up on the freeway.
Then I wiped off my mouth and I felt fine. Funny how throwing up can help one feel better. I kept driving and listening to my audio book. I listened to "The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris." It kept me entertained the whole drive. It took me 12 hours.
I arrived late Thursday. We've gone on walks, done online workouts, ordered Round Table pizza, gone on a hike, attended Sunday school via zoom, washed cars, went to see Maria Trump from a distance, went to a social distancing lunch in the church parking lot, and went to the beach.
the wineries and green hills are so beautiful |
cute little poppies. If I get a tattoo, it's going to be of poppies |
double pepperoni from Round Table |
So thankful that Lord's is deemed essential |
Kamiko and Bekki sent me this "orange juice" shirt for mother's day |
Beaches are closed between 11 am and pm. Kris and I left at 8 this morning and drove to Aptos beach, where Doug's sister Karen and her husband, Bill, live. We had plans to just sit on their porch. It was a wonderful day. We got there early enough to enjoy an hour long walk before the beach closed. Karen and Bill joined us. We talked about the short term and long term effects of the shutdown due to corona virus. Bill contends in a year and a half we'll look back and good things came of this. Bill manages millions of dollars for private clients. He's got a sharp mind and knows economics. It was refreshing. He also told me to not be too sad about the past. He said the past is the past. I need to move on and look forward to the next years I have and to make the most of them. I really needed to hear that.
Karen and Bill's quaint backyard |
The view from their living room. We sat on that porch for 6 hours today. |
One traffic. We got to and from the beach in less than 90 minutes each way. Unheard of at that time of day before all of this.
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