Gas price at Sam's Club $1.99/gallon
Public Schools - closed until at least April 30. We're all expecting no more in-class school for the rest of the year.
Colleges - all remote learning, too.
Self-distancing measures on the rise.
Tape on the floors at stores to help distance shoppers 6 feet from each other.
Limited number of people inside stores, therefore, lineups outside the store doors, especially Costco.
Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed. I don't know why the soda shops are still open.
Parks, trails locked up. Zion National Park closed today.
Entire sports seasons cancelled.
There was no March Madness for college basketball.
Concerts, tours, festivals, and events are cancelled.
Disney parks closed.
Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings, and even funerals cancelled or done via Zoom, where people watch from their phone or laptop.
Churches are closed
Temples are closed
No gatherings of more than 50 people, then 20, and now 10.
Don't socialize with anyone outside your home. Melia and I have met up for dinner and we eat in our cars, with the windows rolled down and talk.
Children's outdoor play parks are closed.
We are to distance ourselves from each other.
Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for front-line workers. 4 of my sisters are sewing masks and caps for medical personnel.
Panic buying. There is a shortage of toilet paper, kleenex, clorox wipes, bottled water, hand sanitizer
Government closes nation's borders to all non-essential travel
Fines are established for breaking the rules.
Gyms and libraries are closed.
Stores have shorter business hours to allow for time to sanitize, clean, and restock.
Stadiums and recreation facilities open up for the overflow of Covid-19 patients
Press conferences daily from President Trump include updates on new cases, recoveries, deaths
Government incentives to stay home
Roads aren't crowded
We wash our hands a lot, a lot, a lot and we try to avoid touching our face and/or our eyes
Factories have stopped making their usual products and are now making masks, ventilators, etc.
People wearing masks and gloves outside
Essential service workers are in danger
The pandemic was declared in the US on March 11, 2020.
Life is precious. Don't take things we dearly love for granted.
Today was a Friday. I got up before 7:00 am and did a High Fitness routine with Metta as teacher. Metta was at a dance studio in Lehi and 85 people were logged in on their computers. It was a good workout. I'm grateful for people doing this. I also go on walks. Even if I walk with a friend, we stay 6 feet apart from each other.
I showered and went to the grocery store. Reams didn't open until 9, but Smith's was open. As I entered, a worker indicated that the cart handles had been wiped down. I didn't wear a mask, but I think I'll start doing that. I roamed the store, getting what I needed, making a point to not touch anything I didn't plan to buy. I needed zucchini but a young woman was standing by the zucchini for a minute or two. I had to wait until she moved before I went closer and got mine. 6 feet apart. The store kept having an announcement over the PA system that reminded us to be mindful. I bought a lot of extra staple items because I don't plan to go back for at least another week. There was a limit of 1 box of kleenex per customer. There were no clorox wipes, which I've been looking for for a couple of weeks now. I may just go get some at work and replace them when they become available in the stores again. I got about 12 frozen dinners, chicken, ground beef, frozen vegetables, canned fruit, milk, and some cookies. You gotta have balance.
When I went to check out, I did self-checkout. I wanted to separate my items in bags according to where the items went when I got back to mom's. If the item isn't perishable and we don't need it right away, it goes in a certain bag and will go to the garage for 3 days before it goes into the house. Other items that are perishable or that we need soon come in the house, but get wiped down with clorox wipes before being put away. Things that went in the garage were bottles of bleach, kleenex, apples, English muffins, onions, mints, and gum. Things that went in the house to get wiped off were cheese, milk, canned goods for tonight's dinner, bananas, and a diet Dr. Pepper. I keep clorox wipes in my car so I can wipe down my steering wheel and other things as needed. So, it's a process to grocery shop.
From Smith's, I went to JoAnn fabric store to see if I could buy interfacing or elastic. Jenny needed some for masks. Her store is totally out. I was able to get 5 yards of interfacing and 2 packages of elastic. The store wasn't open yet, so I ran to Macey's grocery store to see if they had cilantro (yes) and clorox wipes (no). I also got more kleenex and some candy for me for conference bingo tomorrow.
Went back to JoAnn Fabrics and got the interfacing and elastic. Those cutting tables are wide and even with me standing on one side of it and the employee standing on the other side, she asked me to step back. I had not realized the yellow X on the floor was where I was supposed to stand. Oops. While at JoAnn's I had my headphones in and watched my TA Ashley get married in Texas. They were going to get married in the temple here, but that got changed. Their bishop performed the marriage and we all watched via the zoom app. I cried a little because it was so sweet. Then I went to the bank to get temporary checks printed. I went to the door and it was locked. What? There was a note that the lobby was closed. I went to the drive through and the lady was able to help me. I finally was heading home after 2.5 hours. On a normal day, it would have taken a little over an hour.
Then mom and I went through the process of sanitizing items that came into the house and leaving other items in the garage.
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Kids are having fun with sidewalk chalk lately. Usually it's colorful and uplifting. I liked this sentiment. You tell 'em, kid! |
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Jenny made face masks for us. I feel like I'm wearing a muzzle. It's supposed to go from the nose to cover the chin. Wow. That's coverage. |
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This one was posted from Leisy Miller, Annie Oswald's daughter, who lives in Northern Italy where they've been confined to their yard for weeks now. |
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Bekki and Kamiko with Dottie in a photo shoot. Evidently they've been playing a lot of Monopoly, too. |
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Allison had her birthday during all of this. Mom and I went over with a banner and stood on her lawn with it to wish her a happy birthday. |
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