Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Kamiko + Bekki

And...just like that...I have a blonde daughter.

Kamiko and Rebecca Inez Brau (Bekki) met last February at a wedding. Kamiko was a bridesmaid to Alysha and Bekki was a groomsman to Michael. It's true. They met at the bachelor party in Vegas and hung out and enjoyed each other's company. Then it quickly progressed to more. It was a long-distance relationship, with the kids taking turns to fly to see each other until Bekki came home to Provo at the end of her semester at University of Arkansas! Where else?! Razorbacks forever!

Grandma helping Kamiko get lint off of his suit before pictures
Bekki is a Utah County girl who graduated from Springville High School. Her parents, Jim and Michelle, now live in Provo in a house with probably THE BEST VIEW in town. Anyway, the kids communicated via facetime, text, calls, etc. for months. Kamiko flew to Arkansas a couple of times and Bekki flew here a couple of times. I think the longest period of time they had was when Bekki was home for about a month this summer. She's working on her doctorate in business with an emphasis in supply chain management - people, not product. Her dad teaches in the business school at BYU. He's a convert and a West Point graduate, a former Army Ranger. He's full of life and is very animated. Michelle is a sweetheart. The first time we all met, we hit it off. I'm so glad the kids found each other. They are perfect for each other and our families go well together.

Bekki has 3 brothers, so she got sisters out of the deal. Kamiko, of course, got brothers he didn't have. The girls love her. Mel even got to teach with Bekki on campus before Mel finished her mission. What an experience. Bekki served a mission to Mexico and finished in San Jose, California, due to illness.

The whole time they said they wanted a low-key wedding and that's exactly what it was. I asked them after all the festivities if it's what they imagined and they said YES. There were 15 of us at a breakfast on Thursday, December 20. Mom and dad, Me, Keenan, Kamiko, Allie, Mel, and uncle Mike. My sister Kris flew out to attend the open house and was super helpful at the breakfast and the open house. On the Brau's side were Jim, Michelle, Brigham and his wife AJ, grandma, Bekki, and uncle Johnny. It was so great. We all fit in the kitchen and had a nice time getting to know each other better.
My kids having a sleepover on their last night together before the wedding

There were about 10 of us in the sealing room. The kids only wanted their siblings and parents and grandparents that could attend. Dad sealed the kids and it was very special. Bekki didn't want all the craziness of crowds outside of the temple. It was perfect. We got a few pictures after, but mostly headed our separate directions.

Bekki and Heber
Bekki with Jameson

Michelle with Brigham, Jameson, and Bekki

Bekki with Brigham

Good husband, carrying everything. My kid has a ring.

My kids: Melia, Kamiko, and Allie

My beautiful girls

Friday we relaxed and finished up the cake until it was time to go to the venue to set up. The kids had an open house in a conference room of the Provo Library. They had pizza, drinks, and cake that Allie made. Bekki's favorite is funfetti with chocolate frosting and that's exactly what Allie made. She used my friend Cake by Courtney's recipe and that was special for me. It turned out sooooo delicious. The kids invited their closest friends and family to a ring ceremony that uncle Johnny conducted. The cute dog, Dot, was part of the festivities. Lots of friends and neighbors came to the open house. We had a great time visiting with friends. We found out the Braus have a connection with Chris Kitchen, as do us Hunters. He was the family's home teacher in Springville. Mom and dad were best friends with Chris' parents, Arden and Kaye. The Kitchens died in a plane crash when they were coming to visit us in California when Chris was probably about 12 or 13. Kristen was really emotional visiting with him. It had been years since she had seen him. Kris was so helpful, serving food, helping clean, etc. She was in her element. She loves to meet people.

Uncle Mike Sears flies out for the wedding and for Christmas

Carefully transporting the cake to the venue

Finishing touches

Lots of hours of community service

Kristen ready for work

I'm so stiff in this dress. I was pretty sucked in with my shaper. 

It was a wonderful couple of days. I feel blessed. Bekki is the perfect addition to our family. We love that girl. I'm also really really grateful that Mel suggested we get a family picture the Monday before the wedding. It was crazy and a bit tricky to get everyone together, but I'm so glad we did. I love the picture.

Let me mention that there were a lot of us staying at mom and dad's house: Kristen was in the bunk room with Melia, Mike was in the flowered room, Kamiko was on the couch, and Keenan and I were in Derek's old room. Allie, thankfully, still had her house to stay in. We had a great time, though, and Mike, Kris, and I had some great walks.

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