Allie called me at 9:30 am on Thursday, January 4 (Derek's birthday), and said "you want to go to Disneyland for the weekend? I can leave after work at 3:00." What? I was still in bed. I had planned to get TOTALLY organized for the upcoming semester with meetings for my new assignments on Monday morning. I'm supervising 5 student teachers and am teaching SFL 378, a practicum for our pre-student teachers. Luckily I had gotten all the prep done for 110 and had little vital prep to do for the other classes, so I got out of bed and got to work. I called Derek to arrange our stay. He said "of course." I said "see ya tonight."
I barely got all emails sent and documents loaded to my learning suite courses, but I DID IT. Allie and I headed out from Provo around 3:00. We drove and drove and got to Derek and Rachel's around 11:00 pm. We talked a bit, then went to bed. Friday we hung out at home with all the Hunters. We took Rose to McDonald's and to the mall. We got tickets with our movie passes for Derek and Rachel to go that evening to see the new Star Wars movie while we watched the kids. We got Round Table pizza for dinner. It was a blast! Such a fun day. Allie and Rose really are cute little friends. Charlie is a delight and Milo is getting so big. He has 2 tiny teeth on the bottom of his mouth. His smile is so cute. They had just moved the kids' bedrooms around so we were able to ooh and ahhh over Rose and Charlie's new bunkbed. Milo is in his own room (what used to be Derek's office) and they moved Derek's office into what used to be the playroom. It should all work out great. Saturday Allie and I went to the park. Jenny was finishing up a couple of days at the park with Andrew and his friend Brayden, so she met us there for a couple of hours in the morning. On the way, Allie (an annual pass holder) said "mom, you know you're just gonna buy an annual pass." To which I responded "I probably will." How can I pass up the chance to take quick weekends with Allie? Also Jen had just bought an annual pass. While Derek can get us in free, it's hard to count on that all the time because he has blackout dates. Also, I know he'd like to be able to use his passes for people other than me. Trust me, he's used a lot of passes on me and my family. We've had so much fun.
Anyway, we got to the park and I bought my pass. I'm making significantly more money with my new responsibilities at work, so I decided to treat myself. YES! We had so much fun. We started on the California Adventure side and used that Max Pass. We actually left the park around 8:00 pm because we'd done everything we wanted to do and we knew we'd be back soon. I already have a plan to go with Jenny in February and Allie and I will probably go in March and April, assuming the weather cooperates. It's gonna be a fun 2018. I'm pretty sure we're going to go in December when Mel comes home, so it'll easily pay for itself.
Allie and I watched the Hunter kids while Derek and Rachel went to a movie. Milo didn't want to go to bed. He finally fell asleep on me. |
McDonald's |
Yummy ice cream at the mall |
Look at the very top of this shirt. |
Three very happy annual pass holders |
Charlie loves his Maui doll |
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