After a few twists and turns, Thanksgiving turned out to be quiet and great. At one point, Kamiko and Allie thought they might go to California to be with Derek and family. Then Jen invited us for Thursday, along with many Sykes. Then Jen decided upon Tuesday for Sykes so we dropped out for Thursday. When Kamiko and Allie decided to stay here, that left 6 for our house - me, Keenan, mom, dad, Kamiko, and Allie.
But wait...Walter Frank Eng and his dad were en route to the Bay Area from Omaha and they wanted to stop by and surprise Kamiko. They were to arrive in the morning. I would fix them pancakes or something. That changed to a 1:00 pm arrival due to an unexpected nap and the need to drive well below the 75 speed limit because of a UHaul they were pulling. I told them to come hungry since we'd be eating at 2:00. Then when I went to a fitness class in the am, I found out my friend Emily's plans with her parents had been cancelled. Her 3 kids were super disappointed to not have Thanksgiving. So, I talked to mom and Keenan and we invited them to join us. For a while, it looked like our party of 6 was going to more than double to 13.
Fancy paper products |
Walter Eng, Walter Frank Eng, Kamiko, mom, dad, Me, Keenan, and Allie |
Adcocks and Engs |
Emily ended up with her brother, so there were 8 of us with the Engs. Kamiko was surprised and we all had a great dinner. Then we went to Jen's for pie with extended Hunters, including James and Marie and spouses, Clark Amundson and his new wife, Deb and Mark, and Haley and Todd Reeder and family. We had a nice time and some even got in a game of 5 Crowns.
Anna (Eli's sister), Eli Evans, Haley Reeder, Todd Reeder, Keenan, gma, Jen Sykes, gpa, Allie, Andrew Sykes |
Clark Amundson married Alissa Smith the week before Thanksgiving |
Cousins: Alissa, Clark, Haley and James Sykes with Ellie (expecting girl #2 in the spring), and Marie and Eli Evans (expecting baby #1 in the spring) |
Friday I skipped all the Black Friday madness and went to High Fitness with Keenan and Annie. Metta killed us and her husband rocked an awesome t-shirt. After a shower, I helped at Jason Lee's wedding luncheon. It was nice to spend time with family and friends.
Look at the steam on that mirror: Annie, Keenan, me, Annie's sister-in-law, Metta, and Clair |
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