This trip was planned way back in March, before I planned to go to Kim's party and before I planned to go back to the Bay Area for the house reunion. I had a $50 credit with Allegiant Air so my round trip ticket only cost me $41. Money well-spent. It was great to see where Derek and Rachel now live. They bought a house in Valencia and it's fantastic. The house is perfect and the community is amazing. We had a blast. In fact, it looked so much fun by my first night that Allison and Kris decided they were missing out so they brought Audrey down. They got to D's house early afternoon and stayed til Wednesday. It was great. We just hung out, ate good food, went to the beach, and watched little kiddos interact with each other. I tell ya, this has been my summer of travel and reconnecting with siblings and other family members and it's been a most memorable one. I would do it again.
Sunday Derek and Rosie picked me up at the airport. We were too late getting back to go to church, so we just hung out and had a yummy dinner. Rachel grilled stakes and make potatoes. We also walked over to their community pool. I met Rose's friend/next-door neighbor, KC. She spends a lot of time at the house because her parents work from home. I think they send her over. She just turned 9. She likes to hang out there and she likes to take care of and play with Charlie, too. She and Rose have fun together. They also fight like siblings sometimes. It's funny. Sunday night I got a text from Allison that stated that she was jealous. We told her to come on down. Kris had just gotten back from a week at girls camp. I'm glad they decided to come.
Monday Charlie had therapy in the morning. Rachel cut my hair. I watched the kids while Rachel ran some errands then we had lunch and Rae and I worked out while Charlie slept and Rose watched TV. Kris, Allison, and Audrey were on their way. Rachel has a weight set in the garage. She's pretty hard-core about her weight routine. I don't love weights, so I walked for 15 min, then did weights for 15 min, then repeated. There are paseos (walkways) all along the back side of the streets and houses in Valencia. Seriously, I just had to walk 2 doors down and I was on a lovely paved, landscaped walkway. I loved it. Kris and Allison got there. We just hung out.
Audrey on her way. Her seatbelt got tightened before they got going. |
Just hanging out with my cute niece |
D and Rae relaxing after kiddos go to bed |
My man Charlie |
My walk and my new haircut |
Rose trying on the Leia costume KC gave her |
KC and Rose. Rose is "putting the disk in R2D2 like Leia" |
Tuesday we went to the beach. We went to Ventura beach because it's a less-crowded highway that gets you there. It was the perfect day for the beach. We took lunch and hung out for a couple of hours. We really had a great time. Know what I love about the beach? No, it's not the water. In fact, I seldom get in the water. I love that you have nothing else to do at the beach but relax, talk and just chill. It was just perfect. We all went out for burgers right by D and Rae's house that night.
These 3 generations all LOVE the beach |
The beach crowd: Allison and Audrey DeVuyst, Kristen East, me, Rose, Rachel, and Charlie Hunter |
this little Audrey smiles all the time! |
Look, we even got Charlie in the background |
Charlie loves the sand. |
Rose took this picture of us gals. |
Me and Rose in the beach car. |
Kris bought Rose ice cream because she beat us at 5 Crowns |
In the bike trailer on the way home from burgers
Wednesday morning Kris and I got an early start and went to see Mission San Fernando. We Hunter girls love our missions. This one was GREAT. I want to go back and take my kids. It was beautifully kept and the grounds were stunning. One of the best missions I've seen. After Kris and Allison and Audrey left, we hung out. KC came over and the girls played/fought. I'm still doing Whole30, which is an eating plan that prohibits grains, legumes and dairy. I did well. I even had a great salad while everyone else had burgers. Rachel also eats lots of fruits and veggies and lean meat so it was easy to get food I needed.
THE Father Serra |
I know, we should have put makeup on. We were in a hurry. Plus, vacation is all about a break from makeup and hair. |
How cute is this? Charlie and Audrey |
Charlie was worn out from Tuesday's activities. Fell asleep mid-play at about 10:30 am |
Thursday morning I took the train with Derek. He got off in Burbank for work and I kept going to Los Angeles Central Station. Then I got a bus that goes straight to the airport. Then I got on my plan and came home. Mel was there to pick me up. We went to Zupa's to grab a late lunch because we were both hungry. That girls is so fun to be with and she's so ready for college. Good for her!
Train |
Plane |
Bus |
Home! |
Jealous! Glad you got to go. Loved sharing the trip through the photos, too!