The Thursday before camp started, I had to take Keenan back to the hospital. They needed to go in and do another procedure to remove the fluid around his lungs. I guess this is a common, but unfortunate, complication from his surgery in April.

Everything went well. Thank goodness. It just created added stress on me because I was trying to finish my semester, buy groceries for camp, prepare my devotional for camp, prepare the lesson for the combined YW on Sunday, visit Keenan in the hospital, and round up sisters to take my place at camp if I was unable to be there at all. We were told he'd come home Sunday or Monday. When I told Kelly this, she said "You're not going to camp!" I explained to her that camp was nearby, but that her advice did ease my burden in that I decided to not go to camp for the entire time. I put the stake and my ward on notice that I'd be there when I had responsibilities, but I wasn't sure about the rest of the time. I determined that I wasn't even packing to stay at camp until Wednesday. Tuesday was definitely a commute day. Thank goodness camp was at Mutual Dell, only a 20-minute drive up the canyon. I needed to be there for:
Tuesday: drive YW to camp, teach at 2:30, bring cookies at 6:30
Wednesday: teach at 2:30, participate in stake leader song at 7:00 pm, help with ward faith walk at 9:00 pm
Thursday: High fitness at 10:30 am, teach at 2:30
I was so stressed out that on Friday when I went up to Mutual Dell to see the kitchen in the lodge and check on equipment there, I broke down in front of the missionary helping me and in front of a couple that were total strangers - they were just there to camp with their ward. I was also so stressed that in my facebook post in which I updated everyone on Keenan's hospital stay, I also stated that people could bring me chocolate and Diet Dr. Pepper. Kind people actually did. My neighbor Felicity brought chocolate on Saturday night. On Sunday night, after church, Dave Wilbur came over with 2 cans of ice cold DP and some chocolate. The DP was from his personal stash. On Monday, my former VT and dear friend, brought me a 12-pack of DP and chocolate. Wanna know what? I really did need that. I'm glad I was brave enough to ask for help, even though it was kinda an odd request. I love my ward. I'm also gonna try to do better about serving when I see or feel a need.
Look at what a random stranger left on the windshield of my van in the Walmart parking lot in the middle of all this. How perfect! |
My combined YW lesson went well on Sunday. The topic was the priesthood, so I did a T/F quiz that I've done in the past in RS. I think the priesthood is my favorite topic to discuss with women/YW. Dad taught us girls a lot about the priesthood when we were growing up and I want girls and women to appreciate the priesthood and to realize we have every blessing of the priesthood and we can call upon priesthood power when we need it. With each true/false statement, I had quotes from handbooks or general authorities to explain the principle. I think it went really well. I also stole an idea from Leslie Perry that I remember her doing long ago in a lesson on the priesthood. She gave each YW a tootsie pop and talked about Power of Priesthood. POP. They ate the suckers during the lesson. It kept the chatter to a minimum. The Lord blessed me on this lesson. I did have Ginger Livingston on hand to teach if needed. In fact, by Saturday night, I had sent out all my plans for cooking class at camp, my Sunday lesson, and my Wednesday night camp devotional in case I had to miss all of them. I made it to everything.
Keenan came home on Sunday. He was so excited to ride out in the double-wide wheelchair. He was fascinated by it, so his nurse wheeled him out in it.
Monday I went to work to finish my last day. Mel stayed with Keenan, then Allie.
This is how happy I look when the lab is empty and I'm done until late August. |
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