I just got back from a trip home to visit family and to attend Kim Rose Cassetti's 50th birthday party. What a trip! It was fantastic. Allie, quoting a movie, said I was "taking a vacation from my problems." It was so great to be back in California with my siblings. So, here's how my trip went. Every detail is below (just for mom).
Wednesday: Went to work and had dairy lecture and lab. I like that lecture. We play jeopardy and it's fun. I also have some fun video clips I like to show. We show a great demo of a British chef making macaroni cheese. I never tire of watching that video and every time it makes me want to go home and make it. After work, I went straight to Ogden. Jen and I had decided to spend time together Wednesday night and to drive the the airport together Thursday morning. I got to paint my nails and watch Survivor. We talked a bit, then went to bed early since we had to get up early.
I didn't even have time for a pedicure so I did it myself while watching TV in Jen's laundry room. |
Thursday: Got up at 4:30 am to get showered and on the road by 5:00 am. It's a good thing Hunter girls can get ready quickly. We had a good flight. Jen and I slept most of the way. Kris picked us up and we went straight to the Oakland Temple to do initiatories. The temple was quiet and not crowded like our temples here are. We got in and out quickly. We had initially planned to go into San Francisco, but that got changed because Derek and Rachel were coming up on Friday and wanted to go to the City with us, so we changed plans. Kris took us to Sonoma. That was an excellent idea. Sonoma is in wine country and it's lovely. It's cool and breezy there. We saw a mission there. We love to visit the old Catholic missions. While in the chapel there, Kris pulled out a pamphlet she had from a recent trip to Taos, NM, about the stations of the cross. We learned a lot. We also learned that at station 6, Veronica wipes Christ's brow. We don't know who Veronica is, but it was interesting to learn. I bought Allie a charm there. She loves her Catholic stuff. We also saw the barracks where the Bear Flag Revolt happened in 1846. Basically, the American settlers revolted against the Mexican government and created the California Republic. That little country lasted about 3 weeks until Fremont, from the US government, showed up and claimed California as a state in the US. That was the beginning of California. We also saw Vallejo's home. He was a military commander, politician, and rancher during the Bear Flag Revolt. The rebels took him prisoner. He lived out his days in Sonoma in a beautiful home. It was so fun to see stuff I'd never seen, even though I'd grown up there. We drove to Kristen's and had spaghetti for dinner. Kris, Allison, and I went on a walk and Kris twisted her ankle. What a horrible way to start the vacation. Then we just sat and visited. James, Allison, and their daughter Audrey live with Kris and Doug. We waited for Derek, Rachel, and the kids to arrive.
Can't beat the view from the terrace on the Oakland Temple |
Replica of the Original California flag |
At the mission. See the cross in the back? |
Look how relaxed I am. Love Sonoma. |
Why was I too cheap to buy this kitchen towel? |
Friday: We got going to San Francisco with Derek, Rachel, Rose, Charlie, Kris, Jen, Allison, Audrey, and me. We went to see some cool tile mosaic steps. We had a great view. We ate at Boudins. I didn't even know they had a menu. I've always gotten clam chowder in the sourdough bowl. I decided upon a turkey sandwich and it was really good. We also went to Pier 39 so Rose could see the sea lions that hang out there. Derek and family rode the carousel that's there. We also went to take pics at the Golden Gate Bridge. I never knew they had a Welcome Center with spots to take good pictures. They also have bathrooms. Kris and Allison had been there a lot, so they knew where to take pictures. While there, we saw a cute couple from England. The lady had shorts on and had noticeable goosebumps on her legs. We told her that while she was in California, San Francisco is different. It was a beautiful day, though. I didn't need my jacket AT ALL. The sky was so clear, too. Just the perfect day with family. We got home and had crock pot pork that Kris had planned for us. We then went to get ice cream at Loard's in Livermore. Doug has taken me there before and I promised him ice cream for his birthday that was in April. Then we just sat on the patio and talked and talked. I loved every minute of it. I really wanted to take pictures, but there was no way to capture the feeling of family just enjoying being together. Thanks to Doug for putting up with us Hunters. Thanks to Derek and Rachel for bringing their kids all the way from Valencia. Family is everything!
Rose in SF |
Allison and me in the back of Kris' car |
My sleepy backseat travel buddy, Audrey |
Cool mosaic steps |
siblings at the bridge |
Cute Hunter family at the bridge |
Rose and Dana, car buddies |
Saturday: We went to the San Francisco Premium Outlets, which are actually in Livermore. It's been there a few years, but I'd never been. It's a beautiful outlet mall with high end stores. They also have regular stores. Jen and I got cute skirts at Brooks Brothers. I got stuff for Mel and Kamiko at Old Navy. Then we hung out and got ready for the party. Cute little Rose always confuses me and Jenny. In her defense, we do look a lot alike. One time Jenny and James were sitting at the kitchen table and Rose said to Derek, "Dad, what are James and Jenny or Dana doing?" Hahaha. She didn't know who was whom. We laughed about that. Kris, Jenny, Doug, and I left about 5:45 for the party. It was at a winery there in Livermore. I wore a dress I had made especially for the party. I bought a cute dress at Ross. It was a bit short and had no sleeves, so I bought 2 of the dress. I used the additional dress to make sleeves and add some length. I was happy with how it turned out. The party had an open bar. Kim made a point to get me Diet Dr. Pepper, which Doug and I appreciated. There was lovely cheese, olives, breads, crackers, etc. It was fun to visit. Poor Kris was stuck on the couch since her ankle was injured. Around 7:30 we went in for dinner. We sat by a nice couple. He's an engineer and she teaches cooking at Amador. How cool is that? 2 FACS teachers at the same table. She said there are a lot of openings in the Bay Area. There aren't enough teachers to fill the need because so many universities have dropped their programs. It was an interesting reminder of what REAL FACS teachers in the real world do: shop for groceries, clean up their own messes, set up their own stuff. It made me so grateful for my TA's and the support BYU gives us. I visited with some classmates that I hadn't seen in years. I also met some new people, like my Home Ec buddy. There was music and dancing. I learned that Kim LOVES to dance. Me, not so much. I should dance more, though, because it was fun. Kris couldn't dance and she really loves dancing, but had her bum ankle. Of all the cool people. I was so impressed with a classmate of mine. I hadn't seen Brian Marty since 1984 except on facebook. I'm friends with his wife, Laurie, who also went to high school with us. Brian told men who had been drinking too much to lay off, he brought sweatshirts to us gals who were waiting outside in the cold in line for the women's bathroom, and approached Kris and visited with her when he saw her dancing in her chair, not able to join everyone on the dance floor. The party ended at 10:00. Doug had left sooner, but Jen, Kris, and I stayed til about 10. There were nice toasts and kind remarks. It was so fun to see Kim's mom, Gloria, and her sisters Sandy and Cheryl. They looked great and were so nice to us Hunter girls.
Rae found out we have a common friend, Trudy Barnes. She was Rae's YW leader and Mel's YW leader and my VT. We took this picture and texted it to her. |
Jenny and I dressed alike just to mess with everyone. No, we didn't leave the house like this. Charlie had on a Sweden t-shirt, too. |
Before |
creating sleeves |
On my way to the party |
Kris, me, Jen and my new dress |
Our party favor, one of Kim's favorite books, "You Can Be Happy No Matter What" |
Sunday: We went to church and had a great BBQ afterwards. Hunter drove out from Fresno. Sarah and Cam came over from San Jose. Doug grilled burgers for all of us. Hunter made his fantastic chocolate chip cookies. We just thoroughly enjoyed being together. After Hunter, Sarah, and Cam headed their separate ways, Allison let me borrow her car to go visit Maria. We had a great visit. Her sister Amy, with whom I'd done boys soccer stuff at AFHS, lives there with her daughter. It was just fun to catch up. I stayed for a couple of hours. John came home from meetings and we ate yummy garlic bread. I also watched Sierra peel the vinyl lettering of their last name, Trump, off of her water bottle. She said every time she takes it to school, people ask her if she supports Trump, who is a fool that is running for president. That was funny to me.
Spa sunday |
Monday: We met up with Kim for lunch at a cute sandwich place in Pleasanton called "The Press." We got yummy sandwiches. We also took the opportunity to give Kim her birthday present. Jenny and I had picked out fabric and Jen had made a quilt especially for Kim for her birthday. When dad heard about the party, he made a jewel box for her. She was so overwhelmed with his kindness. She said she felt that there were good vibes in it. She said she might put written prayers and wishes in it. She loved, loved, loved the quilt, too. We sat and talked a lot at lunch. We talked about kids, marriage, life, etc. We really are like 4 sisters, not 3, who support and help one another. We love Kim like a sister. She and Kris made plans to come visit Utah for my 50th birthday. After the fantastic lunch, we went to clock the mileage from Amador High School to our home on Tanglewood Way. In high school, dad bought a car for Kris to drive us to school when it rained. Well, as dad puts it, it rained everyday. We drove pretty much everyday. Jen thought the mileage would be .9. I thought it'd be 1.3. Imagine our surprise when it was .55. How embarrassing. We were pathetic! We wouldn't watch .55 miles to school. While at the house, Jen knocked on the door to ask permission to take a picture on their yard. The lady invited us in! She said, "oh, are you the family with 10 kids?" We said we only had 7 kids, but yes, we had lived there. We probably spent an hour in the house, seeing our old playroom, bedrooms, the garage, and telling her stories about the house. We told her about how dad hid a billfold of emergency money behind the built-in kleenex holder in the master bedroom. We told her about the fire in the kitchen that resulted in cut-up cupboards in the garage, above the workbench dad built. She showed us some built-in drawers in the cupboard in the playroom. We quickly recognized them and told her dad had built those, and that we have similar built-ins in our homes. Everything about the few days was so great, but this little adventure was just unbeatable. We got her number and she said to come anytime and to for sure bring mom and dad next time they visit. Went back to the outlet mall at night.

Me, Kim, Jenny, and Kris with the quilt |
Coburn's house and our house |
Looking good! |
Same 50 year old mailbox on the porch |
Cabinets that dad built in the garage |
Remnants from a kitchen fire that became storage for the workbench. Notice the half cupboard on the right? |
Jen and me in our bedroom. Missing the yellow/orange plaid floral wallpaper. |
Hunter girls at 1870 Tanglewood Way |
On the steps. A lot of pictures were taken there. |
Me, enjoying the chocolate Oreo pie that Rae made and left for us to eat |
Tuesday: Went to breakfast at a cute French place in Livermore. I got an orange/cranberry scone that was fantastic. We got a bread pudding to share. Jen and Kris got quiche and Allison got a bear claw. the food was delicious. We had a lovely time. Audrey was really good, too. Jen and I ran to the outlet mall again. I was gonna try to snag some sale walking shoes, but it didn't work out. It's ok. We ate lunch at Kris' house then she took us to the airport. It was sad to leave, but it was time. It was a trip I'll always remember. It was all about family and family memories (making them and reliving them). I'm so grateful Jen and I went. So, back to SLC, back home, back to work. Now it's Thursday night. I'm back to grocery shopping, paying the mortgage, catching up on plans for YW camp, and catching up on the Survivor finale.
Souvenir from Donut Wheel |
Last trip to the mall |
Thanks, Danie, for letting me enjoy your fabulous vacation vicariously!! Loved every word and every photo. It warms my heart to see my 'peeps' enjoying time together! Meanwhile Dad and I were having a wonderful time with Karen, Alan and their family in Colorado. We celebrated Karen's 46th birthday [on the 16th], Connor's 13th [on the 19th...same date as my dad's], and Sam's graduation from high school. More memories made and some relived, too.