Last night was a school dance and I finally got to live a life-long dream. I got to make dinner for my kid's group. I've always told my kids I would gladly make yummy food and save them money. Mel's group took me up on it. The theme of the dance was paradise, so everything was island themed. I made teriyaki chicken, kalua pig, rice, macaroni salad and bought fixins for their fruit kabobs. They all dressed as castaways. I can't wait to see pictures of them all. I bet they had so much fun. They are great kids. I know they went on a photo scavenger hunt in the afternoon, then had dinner before the dance. Then they had dessert at Kobi's house afterward. They call themselves the "street youths." It's a reference from a TV show called "New Girl." All great kids.
Kobi Watkins, Makei Tupou, Brooke Walker, Kaleb Greening, Isabelle Barron, Megan Winward, Scotty Hughes, and Mel |
Today I got to go to mom and dad's for a BBQ. Bengt and Inger Hoglund are in town from Sweden. Bengt served his mission in Sweden when my dad was there. He was also president of the Stockholm temple when mom and dad served a mission there. They are fantastic people. Deb and Mark were there, too. We had a very nice visit. I told Bengt I felt bad for him now that he's not Bengt, but Elder Renlund's cousin. He said it's a tough job. I wore my Sweden t-shirt just for them. They liked it.

I sent Kamiko this picture of me in my last area. I finished my mission in Montero. It was a fabulous last few weeks. I was with Sister Becerra, from Bolivia. She was friendly and outgoing. We spent a lot of time with these two sisters in the photo. They were very active in the ward and loved to feed and help the missionaries. Good times. I counseled Kamiko to keep working hard til the very end. No regrets that way. He's going to finish his mission in the office. I can't believe it. I thought for sure he'd get out for a bit. Oh it's great, though. He seems to enjoy the work in the office, though.
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