I've been home for a week from taking Allie back to Arkansas. I'm all out of whack. I don't know what day it is. Time to start back to work so I at least know when Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are.
Friday, August 21: Allie and I headed out around 10:30. I went walking with "the girls" first. I've been walking with "the girls" for years now. Sandy Hewlett, Sherie Ritchie, and RaDawn Mehr. They're the best. Anyway, Allie and I drove to Highlands Ranch, Colorado, where we spent Friday and Saturday nights with Karen and her family. The drive to Colorado was uneventful. We took sandwiches and snacks so we didn't have to eat. We got to Karen's in time for dinner. We had leftover mac and cheese and layered Mexican dip. It was just fun to be there and talk. We did get somewhat bad news that day that Keenan lost his job. :( He's feverishly looking. Something will come up.
Road Trip Day #1. Both wearing Arkansas shirts. Woo Pig! |
Hahaha. This was in the bathroom stall in Fruita, Colorado. Don't throw used TP on the floor. Put it in the toilet, please. |
Saturday, August 22: Since Allie couldn't move into her apartment until Monday, we decided to stay Saturday at Crockett's house, too. That was a fantastic decision. Elle was with friends on a lake, all the boys had stuff, and Karen, Allie and I went to the mall. We had a blast. We even met up with Elder Tibbitts mom. Elder Tibbitts is a missionary that Kamiko trained about a year ago. That was really fun. After the mall, we went to Old Navy, Marshalls, and Nordstrom Rack. Karen and I bought matching Tevas for only $12/pair. They're usually $40. I know, that's not really saving money. It's spending money. They were a great purchase, though. I wore them the whole trip in Arkansas, taking them off only to sleep. We got Chinese food for dinner and watched a movie while Karen made the best darn cinnamon rolls ever. Another fun day.
Me, Karen, and Allie at Park Meadows Mall |
Me and Nancy Tibbitts at the mall. She has all boys and isn't used to the mall. She's great. Someone said we look alike and I think we do. Love her and love that she loves my son. |
The shoes! |
Hahaha, Allie's fortune. Worst fortune EVER! |
Sunday: We got off early. Around 7:30. We drove east to Burlington, Colorado. It's right on the border with Kansas. We went to 10:00 church there. It was their branch conference. It was a really small congregation in a small building. Lots of stake visitors were there, so I'm sure there are usually fewer people there than we saw. There were 3 converts confirmed at the beginning of the meeting. A mom and her two teenage kids. There was also food in crockpots in the kitchen for a potluck dinner after conference. We didn't stay, but I thought it was so cute. Sunday was a long day. Counting church and a short detour to see "Little Sweden," it was a 12-hour day. Lindsborg, or "little Sweden" was hilarious. It's a town of 3,000 people. It has a gift shop and lots of big painted dalahast around town. I think most legit Swedes would be a bit disappointed. They also had a huge Santa Lucia and on the bleachers of the community college was the word "Swedes." I'm guessing that's their mascot. Classic! We drove until we found a Subway Sandwich place to get dinner. We just wanted Subway. Kansas doesn't appear to have any, but Oklahoma did. So, we got a sandwich to share and headed to Bixby, Oklahoma, where we were staying. We stayed at Allie's friend Kelsie's house. Her family is so nice. We really had a nice visit til it was time to go to bed. We all had to get up early on Monday since move-in time was 8:00 am.
On the road again! |
Creepy giant Santa Lucia with Allie |
Lindsborg or "Little Sweden" |
Monday: Got up and on the road by 6:30. Allie got pulled over by the Po-po on the way, but he was nice and gave her only a warning. Allie was great. When she got pulled over, she said "don't say anything mom. Let me take care of this." I did stay quiet and she did a great job. I watched the speedometer the rest of the way to Fayetteville. Pulled into the Grove Apartments and Allie got checked in. She's on the 3rd floor, in room 303. That's good. I like the number 3. Her building is near the pool and sand volleyball area and the main building. We got her moved in with the help of Razorbacks for Christ. This group of Church of Christ students were there to help Allie's friend Taryn move in. Taryn wasn't there, so they helped us Mormons. Allie has 5 friends living right near her. 2 are in her apartment and 3 are downstairs. We all just kinda worked to get everyone moved in. Then we realized we had no toilet paper, so we went to the store to get the basics.
Allie talking with the po-po. He even told her a joke about Mormons. It was funny.
The pope's secretary comes into his office and says "Guess what? Jesus has come back!" The pope says "That's fantastic." The secretary answers "Well, it's not that great. He's in Salt Lake City." |

Tuesday: We went to the Farmer's Market downtown in the morning. Allie treated me to almond croissant and cream puff at "The Little Bread Company." We did more shopping, went to the bookstore, and just did general get-ready-for-college stuff. We went to my former TA Elisa Freeman Muller's house for dinner. Over the summer, Elisa married Scott, who was Allie's home teacher last year. Scott is working on a PhD and Elisa is a graduate of our FACS program at BYU. She's looking for work in AR. She had been teaching in Evanston, WY, for the past 6 years. She's great. They fed us yummy breakfast burritos, peaches, juice, milk, and brownies. Allie had fun with her friends while I stayed out of the way. This is when I started watching Netflix on my phone. I could tell Allie was ready to have her space. I stayed in her room and watched movies.
Elisa and Me. BYU Food Labs Forever! |
Wednesday: I got up and went walking. We met up with Michelle Blankenship for lunch. Michelle is a cute Texan momma living in Arkansas. I met her more than a year ago when she and her husband brought their daughter, Drew, to check out BYU. Drew was friends with my TA Annie. Well, Drew came to BYU from NW Arkansas and Allie left Utah for UofA. Michelle and I have a deal to take care of each other's girls. They didn't need us for much except for rides to the airport and an occasional free lunch. Michelle stored some boxes for Allie. We went to lunch to visit and to reclaim Allie's stuff. We also went to the bookstore and to the mall. I bought 2 t shirts. I bought Chinese takeout for Allie and her friends for dinner. Allie and friends made s'mores at their fire pit that night. I watched another movie.
Allie had all of her stuff. She could now decorate. Her bed. |
Her desk. Behind all the pictures is a really ugly headboard that we covered with corkboard, then fabric. Crafty girls! |
Allie's adorable bathroom. She made the shower curtain! Bought those cute sunflowers at the farmer's market. |
Thursday we had time to go to the bookstore and return one of my shirts. I liked the long-sleeved one from the mall much better. Then Allie took me to the airport. She dropped me off just in time for me to find out my flight was delayed. REALLY DELAYED. We didn't take off until midnight. We were supposed to leave at 4:15. Because of the delay, I was going to miss my flight in Vegas. I rearranged everything with my flight without a fee and spent my $8 on food. The airline gave me a voucher. I found a comfortable spot and watched more Netflix. I had forgotten to bring a book, so I was stuck with Netflix the whole trip. I didn't mind. I don't often watch movies and it was kinda fun. I also visited with other travellers. I was just glad I didn't have anything pressing and that I was travelling alone.
Oh, wanna know something REALLY funny? Allie's friends commented "your mom is so cute. She's so sporty." She told them I'm not really sporty; it was just the clothes I brought for the trip. It's true. I had mostly running tights and athletic t-shirts. Allie said to me: "I never thought I'd hear the word 'sporty' to describe you, mom."
My "I'm stuck at the airport" face. |
Friday: I slept on the flight. We got into Vegas at 1:00 am. I found a quiet place to sleep. I slept until about 5:30, when the airport started to "come alive." I left on the first flight at 9:00 am and got home at 11:30. Only 12 hours late. It was ok. Keenan was available to pick me up.
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