General Conference weekend did not disappoint. Great talks. I had done something mom suggested - which was to read my patriarchal blessing before conference, then watch and listen for things pertaining to it. That was a great exercise. I loved having that in mind. I had written the following words in my journal from impressions from my blessing:
fore-bearance: I had to look this one up. I thought I knew what it meant. Here's the definition:
patient self-control; restraint and tolerance.
"forbearance from taking action"
set example for family
The last two almost didn't make the list. I was reading and saw them at the end, then thought "oh, those get covered by the above words." But then, I decided to add them afterall. Well, the talks that really hit me were the ones about joy and happiness. We can have both in the midst of trials. It's possible and makes life good. We learn that way. Glad I put them on the list.
Saturday Morning:
Elder Holland gave a talk about defending your faith with courage and courtesy. I thought of Allie, who's going to Arkansas. She'll have opportunities to do that. She will be able to follow Elder Holland's counsel to love others. Pure love can change the world. He gave a powerful testimony of the priesthood and priesthood ordinances.
Sister Reeves, of the Relief Society Presidency, spoke on pornography. I wrote "WOW!!!" next to my notes. She talked about counseling with our children and having a proactive family plan. The Lord can heal you and make you clean again. She also said the best filter is the internal filter with a testimony of Christ. She told the youth to take responsibility for their virtue, walk out of movies, pray for help, turn off the phone, study the strength of youth, confide in parents and get help if needed. She promised that prayer and the Book of Mormon can strengthen families. She doesn't know how, but they do. Kamiko mentioned in his letter that he loved this talk.
Elder Andersen warned us that the world won't glide calmly toward the 2nd coming. There will be spiritual whirlwinds. Sometimes we won't notice we've been moved. BUT God made our spirits strong. He was especially addressing the youth. Trust the prophets and the Book of Mormon is protection from the whirlwinds of life. Christ will not leave us comfortless.
President Eyring's talk started off with some of my recipe for happiness: Happiness comes from eternal family bonds. Don't give up. Don't quit. The Savior doesn't. Follow Lehi's example...wait patiently with faith. Have FHE, family prayer and scripture study. Things will work out.
Saturday Afternoon:
Elder Nelson reminded us that our faith will be tested. Faith is the opposite of fear. We need to have faith in Jesus Christ. He asked if we are securely tied to God? What am I tied to? The scriptures tell us how to find the course and stay on course. Prayers of faith will lead to inspiration. Then, one of my favorite lines:
Elder Scott's talk was also one that Kamiko mentioned. His was a reminder to love those we want to help. To focus on basic principles of the plan and that we all grow line upon line. To keep gospel teaching simple.
Elder Hales spoke on obedience. Be careful who you follow. We don't always understand, but we must always follow the prophet. Just like kids don't always understand their parent's rules. Do what is right and let the consequence follow. The Savior obeyed to the end.
Elder Zwick is the twin brother of Connie Allen Williams in our ward. His was a talk about communication in marriage and that it often doesn't matter who is right. We need to listen to each other. Cultivate respect for each other. Ask "what are you thinking?"
Elder Cook talked about family history work. The family history center is now in our home. Well, I'm gonna need to work on that one.'s a topic that's haunting me. Time to get going. He does say that the blessings are almost beyond comprehension. I could use that!
Sunday Morning:
President Uchtdorf talked on how to make life joyful. There it is again! Happiness and joy. The words almost left off of my list. The key: BE GRATEFUL! Trade a bottle of bitterness for the goblet of gratitude. Be grateful IN our circumstances. That is an act of faith in God.
Elder Ballard followed up from his previous talks on using the proper name of the church in our conversation and in doing missionary work. He said that a lack of follow up is like buying a ticket, but not going to the event. I need to study preach my gospel and share my studies with Kamiko. That's a great idea. I've kinda been wondering what to include in letters. Now I know.
Sister Stevens reminded us to follow direction from the spirit and that God watches over us. We are not alone. We are not forgotten. No all prayers are answered quickly, but God does answer prayer at a person at a time.
Bishop Stevenson gave one of my favorite talks, too. He spoke of the LDS Olympians in the winter games. They won or lost in 4-minute runs. He liked our life on earth to these 4-minute runs. Our performance will determine our win. Run the race that you may obtain the prize. Self-discipline, prayer, church, scriptures and obedience are all key parts of our training.
Elder Bednar always has a hook. This one was the load on a truck. He told of a friend who took out his new 4-wheel truck to show his wife what a great purchase it was. He went to get firewood in the snow. Well, he got stuck. HOWEVER, when he put the load in the bed of the truck, he had enough traction to get back on the road. Loads provide us traction to get on the road. Is my load providing spiritual traction?
Come unto me, all ye that labor. My yoke is easy and my burden is light. The Savior has suffered for our fears, frustrations, despair, inequities, etc. There is nothing the Savior hasn't experienced. Study and ponder the atonement in assessing my load.
President Monson asked us to love our neighbors. Love is the essence of the gospel. Christ is our examplar. Show loving kindness. Love should be the heart of the family. We should treat each other with love and respect.
Sunday Afternoon:
Elder Packer is getting old and difficult to understand. He admonished us to work to receive our own testimony. He ended with ONE GREAT TRUTH: Jesus lives. He is the Christ; the Son of God. He created the world. He said "I am His witness." It was a memorable testimony.
Elder Walker asked us to find out our family church history. Who was the first person to join the church and why? I found out that on the Hunter side, it was John Davidson Hunter, who joined the church in Scotland. We should learn and teach our righteous heritage.
Elder Corbridge spoke of the opposition Joseph Smith faced. Truth will ALWAYS be opposed. What we do in this life matters and the family is the pattern of heaven. Truth! We will know we've found it when there is opposition to it.
Elder Teh talked about seeking the spiritual instead of the temporal. To recognize when we have enough. That's a great reminder. To obtain treasures in heaven: faith, hope, humility, charity, strengthen family relationships. serve others and strengthen our testimony.
Elder Aidukaitis reminded us to carefully decide where we spend our time, especially on the internet. Don't roam through garbage. The spirit of Christ is given to every man to discern good from evil. "By their fruits, ye shall know them."
Elder Christofferson gave a great talk about Jesus' resurrection, which was timely since yesterday was April 6 and Easter is coming up. He asked us to believe the testimonies in the New Testament of the risen Lord and to believe in the testimonies in the Book of Mormon. We also have the testimony of Joseph Smith.
Finally, President Monson urged us to listen to the talks and read them and study them. Do a little better. Be kind to those who don't share our believes. Heavenly Father will see us through our difficulties. Be found doing the work of the Lord.
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Selfie of Allie and me, watching conference. Keenan and Mel were on the road to Vegas to catch their flight to Hawaii. |
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Honu didn't want to watch. He just wanted to sleep. |
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