Well, after Kamiko left on Tuesday, I went to work on Wednesday for my last lecture and to complete my last week of work before Christmas. Currently my students are taking their final exam. Friday was quite the day at work. One of my worst ever. Students with problems, wanting us to solve them, etc. Starlyn and I went and got Dr. Peppers when it was all over. If we were drinkers, we would have gotten something harder.
Saturday we had a work party at Marci's house. It was just us grown ups and spouses. It was great. We really had a good time visiting, eating, etc. Sunday morning I left early to fly out to California to spend a few days with Derek, Rachel, Rose and little Charlie. I hadn't seen him at all and he was almost 2 months old. I got there around 11:00. Derek picked me up. We went straight to their apartment in Burbank.
Rachel's sister and her boyfriend were there and we just visited. Derek left briefly to teach his Sunday School class. I was tired and took a nap in the early evening. I missed going with Derek to the church to see a nativity exhibit. Turns out that John Heder, star of "Napoleon Dynamite" was there. Bummer. I could have met him. That's what I get for taking a dang nap.
Rose is so cute and Charlie is such a good little baby. He was born with Down syndrome, but isn't delayed as of now. Needs no therapy right now. I got to feed him a lot and hang out with Rose. Here's what we did.
Me and Rosie taking a silly picture |
Rose and Jackie. He was my buddy and would sit on my feet and keep me warm. Too warm sometimes. |
Charlie! |
Me and Charlie |
Monday: Got up and watched Rose after Derek left for work. Rachel and Charlie didn't wake up until after 10:00 am. I watched the kids while Rachel went shopping. She got groceries and some Christmas stuff. She was happy to get so much accomplished. I remember those days. I had a blast with Rose. She's a cutie. Charlie mostly slept and ate. Again, he's such an easy baby. Derek got home from work and we had yummy teriyaki chicken. I've got to get Rachel's recipe. Kids went to bed and we visited while Derek did some freelance work. Rachel also cut my hair.
Tuesday: Let Rachel sleep in again. Went to Disneyland with Derek and Rosie. Didn't leave til around 11:00, but that was fine. It was slightly crowded, but not bad. The longest lines were for Dumbo and Peter Pan. Those were only 30 minutes. The weather was beautiful. We couldn't get Rose to ditch her glasses for the longest time. Finally Derek sneaked it off of her head when it was starting to slip off anyway. We just went on rides for Rosie. It was really fun. Rose just wanted to see Tiana, the princess from "Princess and the Frog" and Snow White. Well, it's not that easy to find the princesses. When we were deciding what to do next, I suggested we see the parade since I was pretty sure Snow White would be in it. Well, she was, and so was Tiana, so it was a success. Plus, Rose really liked the parade. She'd never seen it before. We stuck around for snow on main street and fireworks, but Rose didn't like the fireworks. I think it was actually the music that was too loud, not the fireworks. We headed out at about 8:00 and got home by 9:00. What a day.
Derek working on Adventure Time |
Rose is ready to go to Disneyland |
Merry-Go-Round |
Tea Cups |
Kamiko's favorite ride: Buzz Lightyear |
Took raft over to Tom Sawyer Island. It is a very fun place to explore and get dirty
Rosie and her daddy, my baby brother! |
Watching the parade |
Wednesday: Went to the Burbank Mall and to shops on San Fernando St. Charlie slept the whole time. It was beautiful weather and it was just nice to walk a bit and enjoy Southern California weather. Burbank is a cute town. We got home and started to make dinner. We had a chicken and rice dish that was delicious. Rachel is a really good cook. After the kids were in bed, we watched a documentary on Netflix about 3 young men who left Colorado City and polygamy. It was very interesting.
I know where to go if I ever need a dress for the Oscars. I'm sure all the starlets get their gowns at the Burbank Mall |
Rosie trying to get cars to go at the toy store in the mall |
Charlie, Grandma Dana and Rosie |
me and the boys: Sam and Jack |
Rachel and her two babies. She's one busy momma! |
Thursday: I was to leave the house around 9:00. However, I got word that my flight had been delayed by 5 hours. BONUS! More time with the kiddos. We just hung out and did go to Trader Joe's, where I bought peppermint Joe Joe cookies and some other treats for the family. We left for the airport around 1:00, after Charlie had eaten. So nice of Rachel to take me to the airport. She's awesome. Just like another sister.
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