Last night I got to go to Deer Valley in Park City and join friends and family of Sandy Hewlett to surprise her for her 50th birthday. It was awesome. My friend Kris Kokol went with me. Art and Sue Vincent, Maria and Junior Fano, Rosemary and Paul (she flies with Sandy) were there. We also got to spend time with all of Sandy's siblings, who came from as far as Florida, and her mom and fiancee. Much of Hewy's family was there, too. It really was a blast. Nice dinner and touching words by Hewy about his love for Sandy. We also got to see a slide show of her life. I have gotten to know Sandy's siblings a bit by walking with them and her brother Scott helped us pick up the sectional for our basement. She really has a great family. I feel fortunate to be included in such a great group.
Sandy's surprised face with her daughters, Jessica and Olivia looking on |
Sandy, her sister Stacy and Hewy. Nice words of appreciation and admiration |
Kris Kokol, Sandy and Me. Sandy was trying to cover Kris' "curves" and we were laughing hard. Turned out to be a great picture of the three of us. Good friends. |
Kris, Sandy, Me and hula instructor, Maria Fano. Maria didn't like first picture of her. She said her shirt looked funny. So, we re-took the picture, using everything we had at our disposal to cover Maria's top, including Sandy's leg. |
Rosemary, Sandy's flying buddy, and her husband Paul with Sandy |
Some great people: Hewy, Sandy, Alicia and Alex Guerero and Art and Sue Vincent |
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