Sunday, February 12, 2023

Work and Fun

I get to be a faculty advisor for our student association. I love that part of my job. I get to rub shoulders with and mentor some pretty incredible students. This past week we shared Valentines at our board meeting. I found scratch and sniff cards that smelled like tacos, pizza, donuts, and chocolate chip cookies. I thought it was appropriate from the cooking teacher. I plan to give them to my class on Tuesday. 

SFLSA Board in the 2022-2023 tshirt

My TA Michaela and I recently presented at our UACTE conference. She and I demonstrated recipes you can make in a 50-minute lab using the Instant Pot. We made macaroni and cheese and applesauce for them to try. We also talked a bit about how to convert a conventional recipe to Instant Pot. A lot of former students were there, so I asked them all to stick around for a photo. I don't look forward to conferences, but it's always fun to see friends in my field. I saw former students, former classmates, former roommates, etc. The presentation went really well, in spite of me forgetting the lid to my Instant Pot. We made it work and demonstrated one recipe at a time instead of both at the same time. Oops. 

All of these folks are current or former students

I got to see 2 former roommates this week. Kathy Thompson Gray was in town. She came Tuesday night. I'm glad I had made baked potato soup on Monday. We had soup quickly before going to the church for a Relief Society activity. I'm on the activity committee. The activity was a get-to-know you night and we had a great time. Not great attendance, but those that came had a great time. That's all that matters. We'll gradually get more. Kathy spent the night at my house and headed to her daughter's house on Wednesday. We had a fun visit, catching up on each other's lives. Then Syd Hoopes Ash reached out. She came to campus on Friday. We got to visit for about 30 minutes in my office before I had to get to a meeting. Kathy lives in Arizona and Syd lives in Kansas. Both are lovely women. It's nice to connect. 

Life is good. 

Rose Hunter has a birthday coming up. I told Allie that she was going shopping with her mom to get makeup for her 12th birthday. Allie said her cousins Sarah and Allison told her to get mascara first. Allie said she needed to give Rose the same advice. We quickly had a video chat with Sarah and Allison to laugh about it and to discuss what Rose should get. Allison and I said blush and mascara. Allie and Sarah entertained the thought of mascara and eyebrows. Allison and I were adamant that eyebrows are a NO for a 12-year old. We laughed and laughed. 

Allie Adcock, Sarah Christesen, Allison DeVuyst, and me

Kristen and Doug were in town. Mel and I went to Allison and James' house last night for pizza and movie night with Kristen, Doug, James, Allison, Audrey, and Mac. We had a great time. Mel and I had worked in the morning, cleaning my basement to prepare for finishing it. That is coming as soon as I get the approval from the city. Can't wait!

Cruising with Sisters

My sisters and I planned a trip for late January. We went on a quick cruise out of Los Angeles. Kristen, Karen, Debbie, and I were the only ones available for the trip. Jenny and Scott continue to serve in Africa and Kelly is finishing her PhD at Oxford in England. 

Kris, Debbie, and Karen flew into Long Beach by mid-day on Thursday. I had to arrive late Thursday. I found a flight that left after work. I didn't get to use my new flight benefits. I wouldn't have gotten on, because it was a full flight. I took a taxi to the airport. Karen's friend works for Marriott, so we got a screaming deal on a hotel room. We went to bed after talking a bit and got up to enjoy a nice breakfast before getting an Uber to the port. 

In the hotel lobby

At our yummy breakfast

I did nothing to plan this trip. I just showed up with what Karen told me to bring. Life had been too busy for me to think about details. As it was, I worked until 6:00 pm the day I left to wrap things up before heading to the airport. I also dived right back into work on Monday, once I got reception. I don't really get a break from work. I can't imagine what Natalie's work/life balance looks like. 

Our Uber driver was a super nice guy who is Christian. We had nice talks about life. He had some insightful thoughts on the pandemic. He says he thinks God didn't like how we were treating each other, so he sent all of humanity to their rooms to think about their behavior. When we thought we were ready to get out, God would send another strain, sending us to our rooms to think again. Not a bad point. Can you believe we went to the wrong port? He drove us there and said "you're on Princess, right?" We weren't. Karen double checked and we were supposed to be an a different port. It was only an additional 15 minutes to get to the right port. We got through security in time to hear Cindy Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" playing on the ship. 

Karen, me, Debbie, and Kristen ready to board ship

We were on the 8th floor, just a couple of rooms apart



We checked out bags and took our backpacks onto the ship. It's huge. Karen had been on a lot of cruises. Debbie had been before. Kristen and I had never been on a big cruise. It's crazy. It's also very unsettling to be waited on all day by people who don't get to leave the ship. The employees were mostly Filipino, Indian, and Indonesian. They don't leave the ship and they have tiny living quarters. In fact, our server, Mary, said that she and her husband are fortunate to share a room with bunk beds. 

Anyway, we were on the ship from 11:00 on Friday morning to 8:00 am Monday morning. We got some pizza and fruit when we got on the ship. We found a table in the library and played games. Debbie and I got our soda cards and enjoyed some drinks. We were able to get to our rooms around 3:00 pm. Karen and I shared a room because we like to take naps and sleep in. Kristen and Debbie shared a room because they don't sleep in and they don't nap. We were in an inside cabin and I loved how dark it got when Karen and I turned off the lights for a little nap before dinner. 

We were in the 5:30 dinner group. We could select any appetizer we wanted, any main dish, and any dessert. We could even ask for more than 1 of anything. Our server, Mary, took great care of us. Karen taught us a new card game called Swoop. We played games, ate food, and talked (Karen and I napped) for 3 days. 

Saturday was a port day at Ensenada, Mexico. We went off the boat around 11:00 and were back on the boat and in the hot tub within 5 hours. We went to the Cathedral in town. It was beautiful. We only got to spend about 15 minutes inside before a woman told us they were closing. Good thing I speak Spanish because she definitely didn't speak English. We then walked to a fish taco stand Karen had heard about. Right across the street was a woman selling tamales. I got a chicken and green salsa tamale because I knew I'd be mad if I didn't get one. It was delicious. Sooooo good. The fish taco was good too. I ordered all in Spanish. 

First time I've been to Mexico. It was fun to use my Spanish

Saturday night we watched the ice skating show on the ship. Sunday was a quiet day at sea. I didn't get seasick at all. I did take motion sick pills each day, just to be safe. There were a few times that we felt the ship, but not enough to get sick. We took turns sharing spiritual thoughts. It's nice to spend time with them. Jenny and Kelly were missed. It was weird, but nice, to have no reception while on the ship. No emails, no texts, etc. 

Karen and I went to top deck to get reception and answer some texts and emails

Found a nice big table for breakfast and to play games

Before the fancy dinner

Karen ordered multiples and loved it all

We came home at night to towel friends, monkey, crab. 

Karen gave us each this print. I bought a frame and put it in my office

Monday we got off the ship and took a cab to the airport. We all left within a couple of hours of each other. By the time I got home, it was about 5:00 pm. I had to dive right into work. Emails, course announcements, phone calls, etc. I also had to go grocery shopping. Life as a single person isn't so glamorous. Lots to do and nobody to run errands for me. Oh well.