Bring your Daughter to the Louvre Day |
I got 2 Mother's Days this year because France celebrated Mother's Day on May 29. I had Allie with me!
Sunday we went to church. It was a regular sacrament meeting this time. There were a few headsets for translation, but we didn't take any of them, so the meeting was in French without translation. I rather enjoyed trying to make out words. I also talked to a few students after church about how it helped us relate to people who are non-English speakers who attend our wards. I have a friend in my ward from Venezuela and she and her husband speak very little English. Her mother-in-law speaks even less, but they faithfully come. It's got to be difficult. The life of an immigrant is hard in so many ways. After church, we went to the Louvre. We saw the Mona Lisa, the Nike, Venus de Milo, etc. I realize now that there are other pieces there I want to see. I'll prepare better next time. We were there the same day that some crazy man dressed up as an old woman in a wheelchair and threw a pastry at the Mona Lisa. Some of our students said they noticed him in the bathroom. It did not damage because the Mona Lisa is behind glass. I really enjoyed seeing the decor in some exhibits. One could spend hours there. We then went to Sainte Chapelle, a small church known for its stained glass. It depicts many bible stories in stained glass. Allie and I played a game where we would race to see who could find a famous scene in all the windows. I won and she had to buy me dessert. At night, Allie discovered that I had a view of the Eiffel Tower. She climbed out on my tiny balcony, which I'm sure wasn't meant for people, but more for decoration, and went live on Instagram. She and Logan fed each other raspberries on our balcony. From then on, every night, I opened my window and looked at the Eiffel Tower. What an amazing gift! Abbi tested positive for Covid in the evening. That started making everyone nervous and the need to test to come home became real.
Abbi and Jonathan both stayed in their hotel, awaiting Covid instructions. Took a walking tour of the Palais Royale and Rue St. Honore, where shopping had it's start in Paris. Saw some beautiful shops and parks. Allie was in the group with Dawna and Craig who did a Chanel walking tour. Natalie and I headed up the other group. I was supposed to take Allie to see my favorite YSL exhibit, but she was worn out and didn't want to go to one more exhibit. I respect that. The trip isn't about me...it's about being together. We also went to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. This trip has been full of one awesome experience after another. Some students came to my room that night, very nervous about Covid testing to return home. Natalie came over and we all had a great talk. Natalie gave great advice. She said that we will all test on Wednesday. We will all be either positive or negative. She said to just enjoy our last two days in Paris and not worry. We were unable to get another room in our hotel, but got a room for Jonathan in a hotel about 1/2 block away. We told him to move his stuff out and to isolate from his wife. He could bring her food, but they needed to stay apart, per program and BYU guidelines.
Tuesday we switched tours. I went on the Chanel tour. It was fun to learn about this fiercely independent and creative woman. Allie said she can relate to her. We started the day with our usual thought and prayer and I shared Natalie's advice. Nerves are high and it was nice to be reminded to just breathe and enjoy our last days. Nothing we can do about the upcoming testing. We had been praying a lot. We went back to the crepe place, Caramel Sarrasin for lunch. I got a yummy sausage and leek crepe with mustard sauce. We walked around and finished up some shopping. We went to the catacombs, which is where bones of over 6,000,000 people are. This makes one creepy thing/city. After the vaults and Jack the Ripper, the catacombs were a disappointment. No creepy stories, just bones.
Wednesday Allie got to go to Disneyland. I was supposed to go with her, but had to fulfill responsibilities as a director instead. One student had developed joint pain, so she stayed in for the morning. I was designated to take her to the embroidery class in the afternoon. This is a favorite class. The students go to Ecole Lesage, a world-renowned school for embroidery and beading and learn about the history of the school and the process of embroidery in the morning. After a lunch break, they go back for a beading class. Due to the limited class size of 24, Natalie and I were scheduled to not go. That's why I bought a Disney ticket. I was so looking forward to taking Allie there. Then with Jonathan and Abbi staying back due to her Covid, Natalie and I were assigned their spots. I volunteered to come late. Natalie asked if I was sure. My reply was "I've got almost 20 years on you...I'm tired. I need a late start if that's ok. I slept in and took things slow." We found our way to the school on the bus and had a wonderful afternoon. Allie had a great time at Disneyland. Her favorite ride was Pirates of the Caribbean. After we all got back from Ecole Lasage, we went to the pharmacy to test. I was designated to stay behind with Abbi, but I still had to test because if I was positive, another director would have to stay back. Craig had tested while we were gone and was negative. I've never been so nervous. First, I had to have my first ever swab up the nose test and second, I didn't know how my test would come out. WE ALL TESTED NEGATIVE...ONE BY ONE. We celebrated by getting Thai food at a place we'd frequented and getting gelato one last time. The only positive test was Abbi. We got on the phone with the Kennedy Center and got our instructions. We procured mine and Abbi's rooms for 2 more nights. Jonathan wanted to stay. I asked the question...what if he stays and tests positive when Abbi is cleared to fly? Am I still stuck here? The Kennedy Center said that if Jonathan stayed, he and Abbi would both have to sign waivers. They needed to understand that once they were cleared to fly, if they decided to stay longer, they were on their own without global insurance. We relayed this information to Jonathan and Abbi. I told Jonathan that I would remain across the hall from Abbi and I would take care of her. I'd get her food, take her to the doctor to get clearance to travel, and bring her home. They let us know that Jonathan decided to leave with the group. I would stay behind and get Abbi back home.
I'm glad I had taken the time earlier in Paris to figure out the metro system. I made a conscious effort to figure out how the heck Natalie was getting us everywhere. I asked her questions. I used the citymapper app and followed along as she lead us. I led our small group on outings myself a couple of times. I was so proud when I figured things out. When it was time for everyone to leave, Natalie asked me if I was sure I was good to stay behind. I told her I felt great about it. I asked her if she thought I could do it and she said she had full confidence in me. That felt great.
I got up early on Thursday to help everyone get to the train station. I also wanted to see Allie off. She was heading back to Amsterdam. Once everyone was gone, I got my breakfast and I got Abbi some breakfast. Then I went on a walk to find France's version of Target. It was so strange to be alone after 5 weeks of having a companion everywhere. I used my citymapper and found my way to the store and back. I picked up some food for Abbi. She had since gotten an appointment with a doctor at 5:30. She made about 12 calls before she found a doctor that spoke English and that could see her that day. Based on her testing and lack of symptoms, it was possible that she could get a doctor's note stating that she was fit to travel. She kept testing positive, so it was our best shot at getting back. I took a much needed nap. I also followed Natalie's messages of the stress it was to get everyone to the plane. Someone couldn't find their passport. Someone else had to go back to the ticket agent. In the end, they finally all got on the plane.
Before Abigail and I went to the doctor's office, we masked up in my room and had a prayer. We also watched a video about having the Lord's help in hard tasks. We felt comforted. We would be ok. She got the letter to travel. We had to pay in cash, which we didn't have, so we had to quickly find an ATM (no small task). We finally left with that letter and plans to do some sightseeing on Friday once I took my test and had a negative result. We grabbed dinner and went to bed. The whole time we stayed masked and apart from each other. I was not about to take any unnecessary chances.
Friday morning, I took my test. It's one you take at home with a proctor on video chat. The audio didn't work, so we had to use the chat feature. While I waited the 15 minutes for my results, I prayed and read the Book of Mormon. I happened to read scriptures about being delivered. I saw the single line begin to appear. A single line is negative and double is positive. I was encouraged. In the end, it was negative. Abbi and I got dressed and headed out to see some sights. I took her to the Palais Royale. I got escargot. It tasted like mushrooms with butter, garlic, and pesto. We got drinks. I got Diet DP and she got a raspberry lemonade. We sat in the park and talked. In the end, we were only 48 hours behind our group, which is a miracle. Who knows why that happened? Did Abbi need the experience? Did I? Did her husband? Either way, we bonded and she is wonderful.
Got to the airport early, got to our gate and waited. We didn't want to be rushed. The doctor's note was as readily accepted as a negative test. We got on the plane to find that we were in a row of 4 seats and nobody was seated with us. As time went on, nobody came. We had the row to ourselves! We took turns laying on the 3 seats and napping while the other sat up. I think I took a long long nap because the flight seemed very short to me. Went through customs in a flash because of Global Entry.
I can't wait to go back!!!!!!!
Interiors at the Louvre |
I loved all of this |
So pink |
I think 5 weeks of carrying that Kavu bag over my shoulder is causing me to slump over |
St. Chapelle |
Hit your Mom at the Louvre Day
Colorful buildings on the way to gelato |
Love the subtle colors |
Allie's emotional photo from Disneyland parade. She loved it. |
Heading home! |
Escargot |
Nap time |
Snail torture tools |
The whole gang at the train station ready to head to the airport |
I love this jeweled metro station entrance. |
My group at Palais Royal |
Beautiful mosaic floors in Rue St. Honore |
This is where the wealthy shopped and stayed dry |
Look at these beautiful store fronts |
Louboutin for Bekki |
Top of Arch de Triomphe |
Dawna fake hyperventilating at the thought of testing positive and having to stay longer |
Little art shop next to the gelato place. Allie and Logan both bought art there |
Chanel |
Our tour guide was awesome |
Banana and caramel crepe |
Allie and me at Palais Royale |
Catacombs |
Ecole Lasage |
I'm almost done |
Flowers for Karen |
Last gelato |
Last load of laundry |
My room is on the top floor, open window, second from front of building |
I'll miss this salad with a view |
Got the doctor's note |
So happy to be negative |
Off to see a few sights |
Cold drinks |
Packed and ready to head home |
Last gelato with Natalie |