Photo taken on June 10, 2021, my last day with students. It's been a VERY long academic year, with the pandemic, masks, constant curriculum changes, and adjusting to single life.
We're experiencing a heat wave and a drought in Utah right now. The temperatures have tied records at over 100 degrees and we are very low on water. What a spring it's been!
The good news is that we're getting to the end of the pandemic. No more masks, especially if you're vaccinated. Disneyland has opened to non-California residents and, most recently, they've announced that no masks are required if one is vaccinated. I'm taking the kids in October. I've already bought the plane tickets, got the rental car, and reserved a suite. We are sooooo excited. October 21-24 can't come soon enough. Allie will be teaching in Indianapolis and we're going for a long weekend during her fall break. We will also spend time at the beach for Bekki.
Last night we had a gathering for all the female faculty in Family and Consumer Sciences at Natalie's house. We had a great time. Food and chatting. It was wonderful. On my way home, I was notified that Mapleton has to boil our water, due to E. coli found in our water supply. I was grateful to remember that I had 3 2 liter bottles full of water in my pantry. I put them in the fridge so I could have nice cold clean water and I started boiling water. We will be boiling water through the weekend. Water needs to be boiled for drinking, brushing teeth, and washing dishes. I actually went to northern Utah County and bought some pebble ice at Sonic and some water bottles at Costco. I did wait in line for about 30 minutes and the Spanish Fork Sonic only to be told they were running low on ice and weren't selling any.
In addition to having to boil water, I was unloading my car after a full day gone and I heard a hissing sound. I had run over a screw and my tire was quickly and audibly releasing air. By morning I was sure to have a flat tire. UGH! Dad said he'd come over with his air compressor so we could fill my tire. It's times like this that I hate being single. Well, ministering to the rescue!
I had talked to the Relief Society President and asked for a change in my assignment. I am currently in a better position to go alone and to less active sisters. I requested that and got 2 less active sisters that I already know well and a new sister who speaks primarily Spanish. She and her husband and kids moved here from Venezuela 5 years ago. She speaks very little English. Well, I reached out via text a couple of days ago. I accidentally texted her husband, Luis. He gave me his wife's number and was very happy that I had reached out. This was all communicated via text in Spanish. I got a hold of his wife and told her I wanted to share a delicious salad with them. She was at work, but we arranged for me to bring it by last night when I got home. I got home at 9:15, head my tires hiss, and packed up some salad. When I took it over, Claudia was in the shower, but her husband came to the door. When he asked how I was, I told him about my tire. He immediately put on his shoes and insisted on coming over to put on my spare tire. What a blessing. We got that done quickly and I set an appointment with Discount Tires for today, during my lunch break of a conference. It cost me nothing since my tires are from there. What a blessing! Just a minor inconvenience and a way to get to know Claudia's family better. Luis said to knock on their door anytime I need help.
I got to host my neighborhood book club this week. That was really fun. 10 women came and we had a great discussion. I was so happy to host. I've met some great women in my neighborhood. The temples have re-opened and we can attend with an appointment. I reached out to my ministering sister, Mary, to see if she'd come with me on July 1. It will be my first time in the temple since the divorce. I think I'll be fine, but you just don't know. She's a great friend. She said she'll take the day off. I hope she was able to get a spot in my session.
In other news, I've been out on a handful of dates. I've met some nice men, but I'm just not "feeling it." I have met some wonderful single women and that has been great. Jenifer just moved into our ward and I met Kelli through our BYU instructional designer, Emily. Kelli and I are going hiking tomorrow.
Allie got a gift certificate from a student to a very nice salon for a pedicure. I got to use it since Allie moved. This was my view. It's a beautiful place. This is what a $50 pedicure looks like |
This is the restroom in the salon |
Today marks 1 year since I've owned my house. JUNE 18, 2020 I bought a house. I celebrated today by getting a nice pedicure and going out to dinner. I went to Nordstrom Rack to find a dress, but came up empty handed. Oh well. I did buy some furnace filters on sale at Costco. That's probably a better splurge to commemorate the day. I think I'll celebrate June 18 every year. A very special day for me.
Spring term is done. Students have finished their final exam. Now I just have to submit grades. I will spend the next couple of weeks getting my coursework ready for fall. I fly out on July 5 for a 3-week vacation in California. I don't want to have to think about work. I want to just go and enjoy myself. So, between now and then, I need to work on student teaching handbooks, check our student teaching online course, make sure 110 is ready for fall, make sure 215 is ready, and make sure 340 is ready. I also have to apply for my job. I'm currently visiting faculty, but my actual job, in a continuing faculty status, is posted on the BYU job site. I'll try to get a good application started before I go so I can just fine tune it when I get back. It's due August 6.
Made some really good shrimp tacos and ate them off a cute plate that Michelle Brau gave me |
Participated in a Zoom conference where a chef from Salt Lake Community College taught us how to make laminated dough and croissants. Mine turned out ok. I do better with Kouign amann |
Life is good. There are sad moments. I never thought I'd be divorced. There are times, like last night, when I really don't like having to do this alone. But, I am reminded that I'm not alone. There are people to help and Heavenly Father puts them in the right place. I'll be ok.