Ok, the great thing that has come of COVID is my ability to travel carefully as I teach remotely. I went to Kristen's for 2 weeks. I moved in with Jen and Scott, and last week, I went to ARKANSAS to see Kamiko and Bekki!!!!!!!
It all happened when Debbie and I were going to drive to Denver to see Karen. I mentioned to Bekki that I was going to Denver. She suggested I drive a bit further and see them. Sadly, I couldn't because I would be with Debbie and she had to get back by June 1 for work.
Jenny and I were driving to Provo and I told her about the conversation and that I felt very strongly that I needed/wanted to visit the kids. Then I get a text from Debbie indicating that she can't go to Denver because Mark needed emergency eye surgery. Whoa. I could go as planned to Colorado then go on to Arkansas. After taking care of some stuff on campus, I went to Mel's work to ask her if she wanted to go to Arkansas with me. I also texted Allie. Starlyn is such a great friend. She said if none of the girls wanted to go, she'd go with me. Melia worked it out with her job to get a week off and decided to join me. I had loose ends to tie up, so we left on Friday morning. Allie decided to not come since most of her friends aren't in the Fayetteville area anymore.

We drove to Denver and spent all night Friday and all day Saturday with Crocketts. We also had church with them. That was really special. I had been able to have home church with mom and dad, Jenny and Scott, Kristen and Doug, and Karen and Alan. After the Crockett men administered the sacrament, we all shared a thought. We could share anything we wanted. It was a great time. They even did church earlier than normal so Mel and I could get on the road.
Melia living her best life with Karen's Chick fil A sandwich, which is better then the real deal |
After church, Mel and I ready to leave |
Me and my sister Karen, who just turned 50 |
Elder Chase Crockett, Melia, Elle, and Connor |
Alan and Mel took his sweet new ride to get cookies |
We sure had a great time with Crockets, complete with copycat Chick fil A sandwiches, Crumbl cookies, walks, a movie, and just hanging out. Sam even came over for quite a while on Saturday. We talked a lot about the Black Lives Matter protests that are going on. He reads a lot and keeps up on what's going on. He's disgusted by all the damage to property and businesses. Chase was enjoying his last days at home before returning to his mission in a new assignment in Texas.
It was DARK. I had to use my cell phone's flashlight to give us more light for a picture |
Sunday we drove ALL DAY to get to Arkansas. It's a 12 hour drive. We got there around 10 pm. The kids had our beds made in the living room. Their apartment is fantastic. It has a great floor plan. Dottie is so cute. Mel had fun playing with a pet. Monday Bekki and I went on a walk before I had to teach. I taught then Bekki, Mel, and i went down to Fayetteville to walk around town and campus. We, of course, went to the Fayetteville Funky Yard Sale, a 2-story indoor thrift store. Karen has been on the hunt for cute t-shirts. I told her I just get mine on vacation. Almost every shirt I wear has a story. Mel and I were determined to find her a shirt. We found a cute Ozarks hiking shirt. We then went to the grocery store and got stuff for me to make a couple of dinners and got Blue Bell ice cream.
Dottie loves Melia and Melia loves Dottie |
The kids' door on the left. This is the 3rd floor hallway to their apartment |
The apartment Melia lived in as a missionary in Fayetteville |
The Institute Building, another place Sister Adcock lived |
Most important grocery item in the south |
Outside the Fayetteville Yard Sale |
Our almost Dr. Brau in front of her building |
Yes, they have a Home Economics building |
the family: Melia, me, Dottie, Kamiko, and Bekki |
Me and Bekki on a nice morning walk |
After making teriyaki bowls, we made signs and got dressed to go to a Black Lives Matter protest in Bentonville. There is a ton of racial tension right now. A young black man was recently arrested and in the arrest, he was killed. The officer was restraining George Floyd in such a manner that he couldn't breath. He told the officer that he couldn't breath, but the officer didn't alter his behavior. The man died. It has created a firestorm. There are protests and some riots. I wanted to go and support. I don't think I necessarily value the Black Lives Matter organization, but I do agree that Black Lives Matter and I've learned that when someone counters with "All Lives Matter" that is tone deaf. The black community is on fire right now and they need help. They need to be heard. If you take away the protests of the 60's that you might disagree with. If you take away black leadership that you might disagree with. At the core, black individuals are still at a disadvantage from white people and that's not right. So, I was glad to attend a protest. I didn't chant. I didn't carry a sign. I was there though and I was very touched by a young mother's sign that said "My sons' lives matter." That's sobering. A friend from the ward named Mario came with us.
Our Bekki girl |
This is their friend Mario |
First store owned by Walton family. Notice police officers on the building, keeping everyone safe |
Tuesday Mel and I got an early start and headed to Missouri to visit mission friends. We drove almost 2 hours to Branson and visited briefly with a new convert, Tia. She was on her way to a doctor's appointment, but had time for Mel. Then we visited with a couple that lived in the same apartment complex as the sisters. They loved Mel and her companion. They weren't members of the church, but appreciated the missionaries' service. They asked Mel to pray with them as they have some health issues. Mel also passed their information on to Sister Quimbly, our next visit, so they can get priesthood blessings if desired. Sister Quimbly is one of Mel's favorites. She loves to serve. Mel and her companion had spent time helping them build their home, so Mel was excited to get a tour. We ate a yummy dessert on her lovely southern porch.
Look at those gas prices. In Utah it's $2.30/gallon |
Melia and Sister Quinly |
We then got Missouri Cashew Chicken. It's basically fried chicken nuggets with gravy that has a slightly Asian flair, served with rice and topped with cashews and green onion. It's yummy!!!!! I see why Mel loves it. We then drove to see Cathy Voorhees, my dear friend, who has moved to Nixa, outside of Springfield. We were there for about an hour. I really just wanted to melt and cry and get a hug, but Mel was there so I had to be brave. I don't want to ruin her trip by making it about me and the dumb divorce and my stress of supporting myself. It's a lot to take in and I so wanted to talk to Cathy. She's been such a great friend for years. We just kept it light then texted later. After Cathy's house, we went to Springfield to see Melia's favorite campus - Missouri State University. It's a cute little campus, but it WAS CLOSED!!!! We couldn't even find a bathroom to use. We were dying. From there we went to a not so nice part of town and visited another recent convert, Denish. He works at a gas station. He's a student from India. Mel says he has more faith than anyone she knows. He's struggling to understand American culture and dating. Joining the church was a huge change for him. He didn't know about Jesus. Now he relies on Jesus so much since he's not near family and doesn't understand our culture. Then we drove back to Arkansas. I insisted that we leave around 6 to get back before dark, as many parts of the country have curfews due to the riots.
Cages and cages of turkeys on a semitruck |
The missionaries' apartment in Springfield |
Institute building in Springfield |
Me and my dear friend Cathy. We've known each other for almost 20 years. |
While I taught on Wednesday, Mel went back to Fayetteville to shop some more and eat more food. Kamiko, Bekki, and I worked. Bekki got her proposal finished and submitted. She'll complete her PhD next year. I'm so proud of those kids. They are doing great. I also cleaned the house a bit and made butter chicken for lunch. The kids got some special Mexican food for dinner. I wasn't hungry. I swear, we ate our way through Arkansas and Missouri, plus I munch constantly on road trips to stay awake. Mel got the shirt for Karen and picked up a Fayetteville pillow for me for my house.
Salted Honey Pie |

Thursday morning we left in the rain. it was a lovely southern rainstorm. We stopped at Rick's Bakery for sausage rolls and muffins and headed out. As we drove home, Kamiko texted and thanked us for coming. He said they feel forgotten, being so far away. Never forgotten. I pray for them everyday, but I do think it was a very special visit for ALL OF US. We made an hour stop in Lindsborg, Kansas, a town with Swedish roots. We bought a couple of stickers for our water bottles and Mel bought a small horse pin. As we got closer to our pit stop in Colorado, Mel suggested we just keep driving. After 12 hours on the road, she wanted to do 8 more. We decided to just do it. So, we switched drivers every couple of hours, stopped to use the bathroom, munched, listened to CD's that Jenny had loaned me (Queen, Elton John, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Disney Mania, Hannah Montana, Justin Bieber, etc.) We arrived at mom and dad's place at 4 am. Mel dropped me off and went on to Provo. On Friday she brought the car back to me.
Bekki and Dottie wave goodbye |
Friday night I joined my friend Theresa Escalate and her family for their weekly bonfire. Her mom recently moved and in an effort to get rid of boxes, they meet every Friday in her backyard, burn boxes, and eat hot dogs and smores. Grandma, aka Kathy, also brings out gems she's found as she unpacks boxes and does show and tell. I felt so special being a part of the family. It was wonderful and I'm so grateful I was welcomed. They say I can come back any Friday and I probably will go again. Saturday I spent the day in Utah County. Kristen and Doug got here, so I showed them my place. I have carpet and counter tops. I close on June 18 and move June 20. I have a moving truck ordered and have people lined up to help, including the Elders Quorum in my new ward. I'm blessed. I'm expecting a full time job offer from BYU any day. The Lord is really taking care of me.
This morning, as I was getting ready for church, I heard David Archuleta's version of "Be Still My Soul" and I paused to take it in. It is true that the Lord is on my side and I'm very grateful. Right now it's scary. I'm buying my place on faith that it's the right thing and the right place for me. I'm grateful for the peaceful feeling I have. Today I had church with Debbie and Mark. I've now had church with all of my active family members: mom and dad, and my sisters and their husbands. I've had zoom church with Kamiko and Bekki and Mel and Allie has joined home church once or twice. It's not all bad. Had my house been done sooner, I would have had a house payment to make and responsibilities to take care of my house and the cat. It's actually been really good timing, even though it hasn't been easy. In the end, I'm grateful.
Me and Debbie, my sister who gave me a big hug when I really needed one |