Sunday, June 11, 2017

Primary Fun

I'm not in young women's anymore. I'm kinda jealous today as I see pictures of camp. They went river rafting in Moab. Wow. It looks like they had a great time. I am having my own kind of fun in primary, though, and it's good.

On Saturday we had a Flag Day parade. We all met at Sister Perry's house. She's our new primary president. The kids brought bikes, wagons, and scooters. Some were decorated. I rode my bike, which I think surprised some kids. Yes, grown ups have bikes. Brother Burnett played band/patriotic music through a portable speaker he wheeled in a stroller. Our ward boundaries are so small and safe that we just rode through the streets as ward members waved at us. Brother Chang was on his porch banging pots and pans to make noise for us. It was so cute. We ended at the park and had red, white, and blue popsicles. What a fun morning.

Look at all the red, white, and blue! How cute is this?!

See me on my bike? I'm in the back, on the right.

I'm learning that one of cute 5 year olds that I teach is quite literal in her thinking. A couple of months ago, she talked about the bad guys who cut off their nails and put them in Jesus' hands to kill him. She was thinking fingernails. How cute is that? Well, this week, she asked her mom where Satan lives. Her mom explained that Satan doesn't have a body. She knowingly responded "He only has a head." I better be very careful and explain things very clearly. Isn't that just great.

I love that the primary kids give me hugs and say hello. Today I dropped by the Davis home to return a floral decoration to a dress I had fixed. The pin part had broken. I have pins and a glue gun at our house. They are getting ready to move, so I doubt anything is very easy to find. I offered to fix it for Ivie. She was hesitant at first, worried her mom would wonder where the flower was, but I assured her I'd return it and her sister said it was ok. When I returned it after church, her younger sister, Hazel, who is in my class, asked if I could stay a while with them. I did. We just sat under the tree in their yard and I listened to all 4 kids talk at once. Cute kids.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Manila Stake Conference June 3-4, 2017

We had stake conference this weekend and it was really good. If I had to pick a general theme, it would be "coming to Christ." Excellent talks. 

Last night, President Brinton spoke on how we can be better receivers of God's word. The wife of a counselor in the mission presidency spoke about an experience they had in Japan when her husband was a mission president. There was a significant earthquake and the sisters called to report the damage they had. There was a crack in their apartment wall and all their dishes had fallen out of the cupboards and broken. The mission president's wife talked them trough what to do, then called to check on the elders. They, too, had felt the earthquake. It was strong. Their dishes were all ok because they were in the sink. LOVE IT. Elders vs. Sisters. Hahahaha. 

President Livingston talked about a recent training he had where he was told that President Monson's counsel to the leadership training at general conference in April was brief and it was this: to reduce and to simplify. We were sitting next to RaDawn and Dave Mehr and I said to RaDawn "he's the man!" President Livingston warned us of distractions and busyness. He mentioned the disease (dis-ease) of being busy. 

This morning, A recently returned missionary spoke on how his mission brought him closer to Christ. He shared that there were hard days. He hadn't expected it to be as difficult as it was. He thought it would be all rainbows and sunshine. He served in England. He said there was little of either of those. He said he was really encouraged by Elder Nelson's conference talk where he said that our joy has little to do with our circumstances but everything to do with our focus. Having served a mission, I do think if you're focusing on loving the people and obeying your mission president, that there can be joy. Don't make joy dependent on baptisms. The Lord is in charge of that. TRUST the Holy Ghost. Be worthy and do your best. 

Another great point he made was a twist on Mosiah 5:13. It says: 
"For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?"

He asked how can you NOT know the master when you've been serving him day after day. God knows you and appreciates a missionary's sacrifice. He knows them.

I wasn't feeling well and needed to go to the bathroom, but really wanted to hear the entire talk by the patriarch's wife. She told of her experience seeing what God sees in our youth. It was very powerful. She talked of an experience she had in Eldred G. Smith's home years ago. He was about 80 years old and was the patriarch to the entire church. Some women were gathered there and talking about raising families. One woman asked why her son is behaving the way he is if he knows the gospel. What was going on? Brother Smith said forcefully, "it's because he's forgotten who he is!" 

A YW president from another ward spoke of bringing youth to Christ. She suggest three things: see the hand of the Lord, study the scriptures, and strive to do things. She told of her desire to run the Boston Marathon. In order to qualify, she would had to improve her time by an hour and 20 minutes. WHAT?! She worked and worked. Then she pulled out a medal. She said it wasn't a visual aid because that wouldn't be allowed. It was a statement necklace. She qualified and competed in the Boston Marathon just a few weeks ago. She said the best way to help others see, study and strive is to testify, and to do it today.

My take-aways:

1. Those I teach are "my converts." They include: my children, my primary class, and my BYU students. Help them remember who they are and that Heavenly Father loves them. 

2. Rededicate myself to my word of the year: PAUSE. In light of President Monson's counsel to reduce and simplify, make sure I'm pausing to evaluate what I'm up to and where I'm putting my energy.

3. Let the scriptures be the first swipe on my phone in the morning.

4. Study Elder Holland's talk where he talks about having help from both sides of the veil. Horses and chariots of fire.

5. Don't forget who I am.

6. When I sing songs with my primary kids, take time to teach them doctrine. Sometimes.

He asked for one hour

In my class, before we eat, the students take turns sharing a thought and giving the prayer. I love to hear their insights. Recently one really stuck with me and I've shared it with my kids and friends. I wanted to write it down so I don't forget it.

In Matthew 26:40 "and he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?"

This is when Christ was suffering in the garden at the end of His life. I know I've read this and thought, "Wow, they couldn't stay awake for an hour? For Christ? When He was suffering for us?" The questions and accusations can go on and on.

But...liken it to myself. Can I give Him an hour each week in Sacrament Meeting? Can I put away distractions and just learn the gospel and be filled?

I'm going to do better.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Some OLD Pictures

People have run across old photos and texted them to me. Here are some I've received recently. They bring back memories.

Kristen, me, our cousin Kendra Hunter Burton, and Karen got into the dress-up box around 1981

Kim Rose Cassetti and me at Amador HS graduation 1984

Kim and me before prom 1984

An oldie but goodie. We used to always laugh at the washrag Kristen is holding. Looks like poo. Me, Kris, and Jenny late 60's

Miscellaneous May

Now that the kids are gone, people are offering me their puppies and their children. I'll watch an occasional kid, but I don't want another animal.

this is me and Beckham Luthi. His mom, Kilee, was a TA years ago. I watched this guy while mom and dad went to dinner and a movie.
Mackenzie Christensen has a new sister and comes to play with Mitty and beans

Mel gave me the prettiest flowers and they lasted til way after she had left. A little bit of Mel's smile and sweetness on my kitchen table for a bit.

Still going to High Fitness and I love it. This is me and Kim and her niece Keesa at a big event in Lindon. It included yummy birthday cake after. It was packed, but we had a blast.

Keesa, me, Kim

Memorial Day Holden Cemetery Tour 2017

Went to Holden again on Memorial Day.

Since dad was born and raised in Holden, he knows everyone in the cemetery. We got reacquainted with everyone and mom even pointed out a grave marker that I'd never seen before. How did I miss this one in the last 8 years?!

We also took a picture of John Edward's grave with flowers for Jen. He seems to be her guardian angel. Jen senses him near a lot. Kinda special.

And, of course, no trip to Millard County would be complete without a stop at the Flying J and Petting Zoo where you can get a drink, use the bathroom, and see a camel. Dad says Lyle Wasden's cousin owns it and it's "a gold mine." We always get a kick out of it.

It was nice to visit with mom and dad in the car. We basically drove there, paid respects, drove past dad's boyhood home (they've removed the giant pine tree in the front yard), and came home. Keenan came this time and it was a nice way to spend the day. Although...I don't quite understand why people in Utah think Memorial Day is about putting flowers on graves. It's a nice gesture and all, but Memorial Day is about fallen soldiers.

Side note: I had started the day with a great walk with Sherie, my normal walking buddy, and Kim, my High Fitness buddy. Kim works full-time, but had the day off. It was fun to catch up. We never really get to talk at High Fitness since the music is so loud and we're so winded. She filled me in on her son's wedding and I filled her in on Melia's MTC day.